From: Chuck Restivo (The Moderator) <PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA> PROLOG Digest Monday, 24 Jun 1985 Volume 3 : Issue 27 Today's Topics: Query - KBS/DBS Coupling Implementations - Thanks & Gripe & WPE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 14-Jun-85 08:24:23 PDT From: (IJme Schilstra) oce-rd1!oce-rd2!ysc@Seismo Subject: KBS/DBS Coupling I'd like to know about research (as well as commercial products, if there are) dealing with the coupling of knowledge base systems (particularly those written in Prolog) with relational data base systems. (I've access to INGRES on a VAX 11/750 under UNIX BSD 4.1, but I'm interested in other DBMS's being used too.) Please mail me: (1) Commercial products (a) Manufacturer (b) Product description (c) Application area (d) Experiences (2) Research (a) Project description (b) Relational DBMS being used (c) Prolog version being used (or more general: knowledge base system implementation) (d) Application area (if any) (e) Experiences Thanks very much, -- IJme Schilstra ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10-Jun-85 16:21:10 PDT From: (Michael O'Hair) tektronix!michaelo@UCB-Vax Subject: Thanks you I want to thank all those who took the time to offer assistance. My main problem stems from making an assumption about a system library. There was no rules defined for 'append' so the interpreter balked. Once I put in a set of rules, things work fine. Spoiled by 'C', I guess. :-) The next question is: what is the preferred way of developing a system library and implementing an "includes" file? As always, any and all information is appreciated. Thanks again. -- Michael O'Hair ------------------------------ Date: Sun 16 Jun 85 16:34:38-PDT From: Pereira@SRI-AI Subject: Bugs, more bugs... If anyone doubted the urgent need for a Prolog standard and test suite, the increase of messages of the form ``The Prolog system I got from Dr. Il Logical is behaving strangely and my students are crying over their terminals'' is a clear indication of the lack of any accepted means to test the performance and reliability of Prolog systems. I fear that people may be turned away from Prolog, not because of its REAL limitations (which are inevitable in any engineering compromise) but because of contact with unreliable or slow implementations that do not do justice to the language. The Prolog community must put its house in order, by establishing an accepted standard to have a means to distinguish between non-problems (``Slimylog blows up without warning when reading a term with more that 27 subterms'') and real problems (``what is the best approach to add an equational component to Horn clauses''). The best standards (the only possible ones...?) are those based on successful current practice. Standard committees should not engage in design tasks that are better left to researchers. Instead, they should look in a non-partisan manner at the actual practice (what systems are most successful: satisfied customers, big applications, performance, time in the field; what features are used by programmers, what do they miss) and build a standard that helps education and programming by setting a framework to evaluate existing systems and new extensions. It is a somewhat unglamorous task, hammering a standard that will not include all those exciting new ideas that we may be implementing next week. But it needs to be done. -- Fernando Pereira ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 85 17:41:46 -0100 From: Burkhard Neidecker <neideck%germany@csnet-relay> Subject: WPE variable handling I would like to answer the question roused by David M. Meyer in Vol3#26 concerning the handling of temporal vari- ables in the WPE. The example given by him contained several misconceptions about the handling of variables in the WPE. We have implemented the WPE in C here at Karlsruhe, so we have some insight into the concepts that guided War- ren. The first misconception is that a variable is no longer accessed after its last occurrence in a clause. In general it is still accessible for all subsequent goals (subgoals as well as continuation) via its reference put into a register or heap slot: a) p1 :- p2(T). b) p2(P) :- p3(...),p4(P),... Clause a) is just put_variable X2,A1 % Put T execute p2/1 The head of b) translates into get_variable Yn,A1 which internally is simply an assignment. Suppose, the internal operation of put_variable Xn,Ai would be Ai := Xn := ref_to(Ai) as suggested by David Mayer, then Yn in b) would receive a reference to A1 while executing get_variable Yn,A1. Only heaven knows what the contents of A1 will be after execution of all the subgoals of p3. Thus p4 would be called with a wrong parameter. To avoid such clashes without using a glo- bal register allocator, you have to use a distinct memory location for variables instead of a register reference. The second misconception is a variable classification different from that proposed by Warren in his SRI TR 309 paper. I assume, the use of Z in the head was a typing error (otherwise, Z would be permanent), so the clause should perhaps really have been: f(X,Y,_) :- h(Q), g(Y,Z). David Meyer classified Q as temporary, while according to Warren it should be permanent: "A temporary variable is a variable that (1) has its first occurrence in the head or in a structure or in the last goal, and (2) that does not occur in more than goal in the body, where the head is counted as part of the first goal. The head is considered part of the first goal only in respect to condition (2)! Q neither occurs first in the head nor in in a structure, thus it is classified a *per- manent* variable. Warrens apparently intricate classification scheme is driven by two different considerations: (1) All variables supporting "dataflow" between different goals in the body must be located in an environment because the registers might be overwritten by subgoal execution. (2) Whenever possible, space is allocated on the local stack where it can be subject to tail recursion optimi- zation. If a variable occurs first in a body goal, you *have* to allocate a cell for it (see above). If it occurs in a struc- ture, you will need a global cell anyway, so there is no extra penalty. In the last goal, you don't have any choice as on which stack to allocate the cell, since at this point your environment (if any) will have become deallocated. Thus you are forced to get a global cell which is exactly what the put_variable Xn,Ai instruction does. As long as you are in the middle of the body, you may allocate your storage from the local stack, retain the allo- cated cells throughout the very next call and then deallo- cate them (together with all subgoals which might have references to that cells) by virtue of the following *call* or *deallocate* instruction. Thus the correct code for the given clause (redundant instructions included) should be: f(X,Y,_) :- h(Q), g(Y,Z). allocate /* get_variable X1,A1 */ % X get_variable Y1,A2 % Y /* get_variable X3,A3 */ % _ put_variable Y2,A1 % Q : allocate % local cell and call h/1,2 % keep it for this % call put_value Y1,A1 % *** put_variable X3,A2 % Since % environment % becomes deallocate % deallocated execute g/2 *** David Mayer used put_unsafe_value here, which is unnecessary Upon deterministic return from h/1, the cell for Q can be safely reclaimed. -- Burkhard Neidecker ------------------------------ End of PROLOG Digest ********************