[net.lang.prolog] Supplement to C-Prolog manual

peter@yetti.UUCP (Runge) (08/12/85)

The User's Manual for DEC10 Prolog (circa 1978) had several useful sections
on definite-clause grammars, grammar rules for "Edinburgh" syntax, example
programs, and (early) Prolog references.  None of this information was in
the C-Prolog manual distributed with C-Prolog 1.5, so before our beloved
(:-)) TOPS-10 machine vanished into oblivion, I converted these sections into
"troff -ms" format to serve as an appendix to the C-Prolog manual which we
distribute to students in a LP course here. There is no copyright on this
material, as far as I can tell, so I hope F. Pereira & Co. won't mind.  I'm posting
the excerpts to the net, at the suggestion of a colleague.  I wouldn't mind
hearing from anyone who found it useful (or who objects to long articles
containing material of ancient vintage); it's hard for me to gauge whether
or not purely pedagogical material such as this should be circulated on the

The excerpts follow:
Excerpts from
"User's Guide to DECsystem-10 PROLOG",
September 1978.
Fernando C. N. Pereira, Luis Moniz Pereira, and David H. D. Warren
.AB no
The following excerpts from the DEC-10 Prolog manual provided by the
Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, contain
useful information for C-PROLOG programmers, and so are included
as an "addendum" to the
C-Prolog User's Manual.
The first excerpt, DEFINITE CLAUSE GRAMMARS, describes
the syntax and semantics of grammar rules in Prolog.
These are mentioned fleetingly at the end
of the C-Prolog User's Manual but are not otherwise documented.
They are, however, implemented in Version 1.5, exactly as described
in the DEC-10 manual.
The FULL SYNTAX section provides a detailed description of
DEC-10 Prolog syntax.  This is useful for debugging syntax
errors, and is of interest if one wishes to consider alternative
or additional constructs to Prolog.
The EXAMPLES section illustrates a number of Prolog programming
REFERENCES contains useful references
to the original papers defining resolution and definite-clause
Some small editorial changes have been made to the original text.
 	       P. H. Roosen-Runge
grammar rules
provide a convenient notation for
definite clause  grammars
[Colmerauer  1975]  [Pereira &
Warren 1978].  Definite  clause  grammars  are  an  extension  of  the
well-known context-free grammars.
A grammar rule takes the general form:
        LHS --> RHS.
meaning "a possible form for
".  Both
sequences  of  one  or  more  items  linked  by  the  standard  Prolog
conjunction operator ','.
Definite clause grammars  extend  context-free  grammars  in  the
following ways:
.IP (1)
A non-terminal symbol  may  be  any  Prolog  term  (other  than  a
variable or integer).
.IP (2)
A  terminal  symbol  may  be  any  Prolog  term.  To  distinguish
terminals  from  non-terminals,  a  sequence  of  one or more terminal
symbols is written within a grammar rule as a Prolog list.   An  empty
sequence  is  written  as the empty list '[]'. If the terminal symbols
are ASCII character codes, such lists can be written (as elsewhere) as
strings.  An empty sequence is written as the empty list '[]' or '""'.
.IP (3)
Extra conditions, in the form of Prolog procedure  calls,  may  be
included  in  the  right-hand  side of a grammar rule.  Such procedure
calls are written enclosed in '{' '}' brackets.
.IP (4)
The left-hand side of a grammar rule consists of a non-terminal,
optionally  followed  by a sequence of terminals (again written as a
Prolog list).
.IP (5)
Alternatives may be stated explicitly in the right-hand side of  a
grammar rule, using the disjunction operator ';' as in Prolog.
.IP (6)
The cut symbol may be included in the right-hand side of a grammar
rule,  as  in  a  Prolog  clause.   The cut symbol does not need to be
enclosed in '{' '}' brackets.
As  an  example,  here  is  a  simple  grammar  which  parses  an
arithmetic  expression  (made up of digits and operators) and computes
its value:
            expr(Z) --> term(X), "*", expr(Y), {Z is X * Y}.
            expr(Z) --> term(X), "/", expr(Y), {Z is X / Y}.
            expr(X) --> term(X).
            term(Z) --> number(X), "+", term(Y), {Z is X + Y}.
            term(Z) --> number(X), "-", term(Y), {Z is X - Y}.
            term(Z) --> number(Z).
            number(C) --> "+", number(C).
            number(C) --> "-", number(X), {C is -X}.
            number(X) --> [C], {"0"=<C, C=<"9", X is C - "0"}.
In the last rule, C is the ASCII code of some digit.
The question
            ?-  expr(Z,"-2+3*5+1",[])
will compute Z=14. The two extra arguments are explained below.
Now, in fact, grammar rules are merely  a  convenient  "syntactic
sugar"  for ordinary Prolog clauses.  Each grammar rule takes an input
string, analyses some initial  portion,  and  produces  the  remaining
portion  (possibly  enlarged)  as  output  for  further analysis.  The
arguments required for the input and output strings  are  not  written
explicitly  in a grammar rule, but the syntax implicitly defines them.
We now show how to translate grammar rules into  ordinary  clauses  by
making explicit the extra arguments.
A rule such as
            p(X) --> q(X).
translates into:
            p(X,S0,S) :- q(X,S0,S).
If there is more than one non-terminal on the right-hand side, as in:
            p(X,Y) --> q(X), r(X,Y), s(Y).
then corresponding input and output arguments are identified, as in:
            p(X,Y,S0,S) :- q(X,S0,S1), r(X,Y,S1,S2), r(Y,S2,S).
Terminals are translated using the predicate  'c(S1,X,S2)',  read
as  "point  S1 is connected by terminal X to point S2", and defined by
the single clause:
Then, for instance:
            p(X) --> [go,to], q(X), [stop].
is translated by:
            p(X,S0,S) :-
                 c(S0,go,S1), c(S1,to,S2), q(X,S2,S3), c(S3,stop,S).
Extra conditions expressed as explicit procedure calls  naturally
translate as themselves, e.g.
            p(X) --> [X], {integer(X), X>0}, q(X).
translates to:
            p(X,S0,S) :- c(S0,X,S1), integer(X), X>0, q(X,S1,S).
Similarly, a cut is translated literally.
Terminals on the left-hand side  of  a  rule  translate  into  an
explicit list in the output argument of the main non-terminal, e.g.
            is(N), [not] --> [aint].
            is(N,S0,[not,..S]) :- c(S0,aint,S).
Disjunction has a fairly obvious translation, e.g.
            args(X,Y) --> dir(X), [to], indir(Y);  indir(Y), dir(X).
translates to:
            args(X,Y,S0,S) :-
                 dir(X,S0,S1), c(S1,to,S2), indir(Y,S2,S);
                 indir(Y,S0,S1), dir(X,S1,S).
A Prolog program consists  of  a  sequence  of  sentences.   Each
sentence  is a Prolog term.  How terms are interpreted as sentences is
defined in Section 2 below.   Note  that  a  term  representing  a
sentence may be written in any of its equivalent syntactic forms.  For
example, the 2-ary functor ':-' could be written  in  standard  prefix
notation instead of as the usual infix operator.
Terms are written as sequences of tokens.  Tokens  are  sequences
of  characters  which are treated as separate symbols.  Tokens include
the  symbols  for  variables,  constants  and  functors,  as  well  as
punctuation characters such as brackets and commas.
Section 3 below defines how lists of tokens are interpreted  as
terms.   Each list of tokens which is read in (for interpretation as a
term or sentence) has to be terminated  by  a  full-stop  token.   Two
tokens  must  be separated by a space token if they could otherwise be_
interpreted as a single token.  Both space tokens and  comment  tokens
are ignored when interpreting the token list as a term.  A comment may
appear at any point in a token list (separated from  other  tokens  by
spaces where necessary).
Section 4 below defines how tokens are represented  as  strings
of  characters.   But first Section 1 describes the notation used in
the formal definition of Prolog syntax.
.IP (1)
Literal characters in rules appear in inverted-quotes (` `).  If not so quoted,
punctuation such as
.I -->
.I |
.I ?
, and
.I ...
are part of the syntax of the grammar rules themselves.
.IP (2)
A syntactic rule takes the general form:
    C --> F1 | F2 | F3 . . .
which states that an  entity  of  category  C  may  take  any  of  the
alternative forms F1, F2, F3, etc.
.IP (3)
Certain  definitions  and  restrictions  are  given  in ordinary
English, enclosed in { } brackets.
.IP (4)
A category written as 
denotes a sequence of one or more Cs.
.IP (5)
A category written as 
denotes an optional  C.  Therefore  
denotes a sequence of zero or more Cs.
.IP (6)
A few syntactic categories have names with arguments, and rules in
which they appear may contain meta-variables in the form of
capital letters.  The meaning of such rules should be clear from
analogy with rules in definite clause grammars.
Syntax Of Sentences As Terms
  sentence    --> clause | directive | grammar-rule
  clause    --> non-unit-clause | unit-clause
  directive    --> command | question | file-list
  non-unit-clause   --> ( head `:-` goals )
  unit-clause    --> head
   { where head is not otherwise a sentence }
  command    --> ( `:-` goals )
  question    --> ( `?-` goals )
  file-list    --> list
  head    --> term
   { where term is not an integer or variable }
  goals    --> ( goals `,` goals )
     |  ( goals `;` goals )
     |  goal
  goal    --> term
   { where term is not an integer
     and is not otherwise a goals }
  grammar-rule    --> ( gr-head `-->` gr-body )
  gr-head    --> non-terminal
     |  ( non-terminal `,` terminals )
  gr-body    --> ( gr-body `,` gr-body )
     |  ( gr-body `;` gr-body )
     |  non-terminal
     |  terminals
     |  gr-condition
  non-terminal    --> term
   { where term is not an integer or variable
     and is not otherwise a gr-body }
  terminals    --> list | string
  gr-condition    --> { goals }
Syntax Of Terms As Tokens
  term-read-in    --> subterm(1200) full-stop
  subterm(N)    --> term(M)  { where M is less than or equal to N }
  term(N)    --> op(N,fx)
     |  op(N,fy)
     |  op(N,fx) subterm(N-1)
   { except the case `-` number }
   { if subterm starts with a `(`, op must be followed by a space }
     |  op(N,fy) subterm(N)
   { if subterm starts with a `(`, op must be followed by a space }
     |  subterm(N-1) op(N,xfx) subterm(N-1)
     |  subterm(N-1) op(N,xfy) subterm(N)
     |  subterm(N) op(N,yfx) subterm(N-1)
     |  subterm(N-1) op(N,xf)
     |  subterm(N) op(N,yf)
  term(1000)    --> subterm(999) , subterm(1000)
  term(0)    --> functor ( arguments )
   { provided there is no space between the functor and the '(' }
     |  ( subterm(1200) )
     |  { subterm(1200) }
     |  list
     |  string
     |  constant
     |  variable
  op(N,T)    --> functor
   { where functor has been declared as an operator of type T
     and precedence N }
  arguments    --> subterm(999)
     |  subterm(999) , arguments

  list    --> `[]`
     |  `[` listexpr `]`
  listexpr    --> subterm(999)
     |  subterm(999) `,` listexpr
     |  subterm(999) `|` subterm(999)
     |  `..` subterm(999)

  constant    --> atom | integer
  atom    --> name  { where name is not a prefix operator }
  integer    --> number  |  `-` number
  functor    --> name
Syntax Of Tokens As Character Strings
  token    --> name
     |  number
     |  variable
     |  string
     |  punctuation-char
     |  decorated-bracket
     |  space
     |  comment
     |  full-stop
  name    --> quoted-name
     |  word
     |  symbol
     |  solo-char
     |  `[]`
     |  `{}`
  quoted-name    -->`'` quoted-item... `'`
  quoted-item    --> char  { other than ' }
     |  `''`
  word    --> capital-letter ?alpha...
   { in the 'NOLC' convention only }
  word    --> small-letter ?alpha...
  symbol    --> symbol-char...
   { except in the case of a full-stop
     or where the first 2 chars are /* }
  number    --> digit...
  variable    --> underline ?alpha...
  variable    --> capital-letter ?alpha..
   { in the 'LC' convention only }
  string    --> `"` ?string-item... `"`
  string-item    --> char  { other than " } |  ""
  decorated-bracket --> `%(` |  `%)`
  space    --> space-char...
  comment    --> `/*` ?char... `*/` { where ?char... must not contain */ }
                | `%` { up to end of the line }
  full-stop    --> `.` space-char
  char    --> { any ASCII character, i.e. }
     |  alpha
     |  symbol-char
     |  solo-char
     |  punctuation-char
     |  quote-char
  space-char    --> { any ASCII character code up to 32,
          includes <blank>, <cr> and <lf> }
  alpha    --> letter | digit | underline
  letter    --> capital-letter | small-letter
  capital-letter    --> { any character from the list
  small-letter    --> { any character from the list
     abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz }
  digit    --> { any character from the list 012346789 }
  symbol-char    --> { any character from the list +-*/ ~<>= ^:.?@#$& }
  solo-char    --> { any character from the list ;!% }
  punctuation-char  --> { any character from the list ()[]{},| }
  quote-char    --> { any character from the list '" }
  underline    --> { the character _ }

.IP (1)
The expression of precedence 1000  (i.e. belonging  to  syntactic
category term(1000)) which is written:
denotes the term ','(X,Y) in standard syntax.
.IP (2)
The  bracketed  expression  (belonging   to   syntactic
category term(0)):
denotes simply the term X.
.IP (3)
The curly-bracketed expression (belonging  to  syntactic  category
denotes the term '{}'(X) in standard syntax.
.IP (4)
The decorated brackets `%(` and  `%)`  are  alternatives  for  the
curly brackets `{` and `}` respectively.  E. g.
    {X} = %(X%)
.IP (5)
Note that, for example, `-3` denotes an integer whereas `-(3)`
denotes  a  compound  term  which  has  the  1-ary  functor `-` as its
principal functor.
.IP (6)
The character `"`  within  a  string  must  be  written  duplicated;
similarly for the character `'` within a quoted atom.
Some simple examples of Prolog programming are given  below.   To
clearly  differentiate the examples themselves, they are marked with a
vertical bar in the left margin.
.NH  0
Simple List Processing
The goal 'concatenate(L1,L2,L3)' is true if list L3  consists  of
the elements of list L1 concatenated with the elements of list L2.
The  goal 'member(X,L)' is true if X is one of the elements of list L.
goal  'reverse(L1,L2)'  is true if list L2 consists of the elements of
list L1 in reverse order.
          | concatenate([X|L1],L2,[X|L3]) :- concatenate(L1,L2,L3).
          | concatenate([],L,L).
          | member(X,[X|L]).
          | member(X,[_|L]) :- member(X,L).
          | reverse(L,L1) :- reverse_concatenate(L,[],L1).
          | reverse_concatenate([X|L1],L2,L3) :-
          |    reverse_concatenate(L1,[X|L2],L3).
          | reverse_concatenate([],L,L).
A Small Database
The goal 'descendant(X,Y)' is true if Y is a descendant of X.
          | descendant(X,Y) :- offspring(X,Y).
          | descendant(X,Z) :- offspring(X,Y), descendant(Y,Z).
          | offspring(abraham,ishmael).
          | offspring(abraham,isaac).
          | offspring(isaac,esau).
          | offspring(isaac,jacob).
If for example the question:
                    ?- descendant(abraham,X).
is executed, Prolog's backtracking results in different descendants of
Abraham being returned as successive instances of the variable X, i.e.
                    X = ishmael
                    X = isaac
                    X = esau
                    X = jacob
The goal 'qsort(L,[],R)' is true if list R is a sorted version of
list  L. More generally, 'qsort(L,R0,R)' is true if list R consists of
the members of list L sorted into order, followed by  the  members  of
list R0. The algorithm used is a variant of Hoare's "Quick Sort".
          | qsort([X|L],R0,R) :-
          |    partition(L,X,L1,L2),
          |    qsort(L2,R0,R1),
          |    qsort(L1,[X|R1],R).
          | qsort([],R,R).
          | partition([X|L],Y,[X|L1],L2) :- X =< Y, !,
          |    partition(L,Y,L1,L2).
          | partition([X|L],Y,L1,[X|L2]) :- X > Y, !,
          |    partition(L,Y,L1,L2).
          | partition([],_,[],[]).
The goal 'd(E1,X,E2)' is true if expression E2 is a possible form
for the derivative of expression E1 with respect to X.
          | :-op(300,xfy,~).
          | d(U+V,X,DU+DV) :-!, d(U,X,DU), d(V,X,DV).
          | d(U-V,X,DU-DV) :-!, d(U,X,DU), d(V,X,DV).
          | d(U*V,X,DU*V+U*DV) :-!, d(U,X,DU), d(V,X,DV).
          | d(U~N,X,N*U~N1*DU) :-!, integer(N), N1 is N-1, d(U,X,DU).
          | d(-U,X,-DU) :-!, d(U,X,DU).
          | d(exp(U),X,exp(U)*DU) :-!, d(U,X,DU).
          | d(log(U),X,DU/U) :-!, d(U,X,DU).
          | d(X,X,1) :-!.
          | d(C,X,0) :- atomic(C), C  == 0, !.
Mapping A List Of Items Into A List Of Serial Numbers
The goal 'serialise(L1,L2)' is true if L2 is  a  list  of  serial
numbers  corresponding to the members of list L1, where the members of
L1 are numbered (from 1 upwards) in order of increasing size,
e.g.  ?-serialise([1,9,7,7],X). gives X = [1,3,2,2].
          | serialise(Items,SerialNos) :-
          |    pairlists(Items,SerialNos,Pairs),
          |    arrange(Pairs,Tree),
          |    numbered(Tree,1,N).
          | pairlists([X|L1],[Y|L2],[pair(X,Y)|L3]) :- pairlists(L1,L2,L3).
          | pairlists([],[],[]).
          | arrange([X|L],tree(T1,X,T2)) :-
          |    split(L,X,L1,L2),
          |    arrange(L1,T1),
          |    arrange(L2,T2).
          | arrange([],void).
          | split([X|L],X,L1,L2) :-!, split(L,X,L1,L2).
          | split([X|L],Y,[X|L1],L2) :- before(X,Y),!, split(L,Y,L1,L2).
          | split([X|L],Y,L1,[X|L2]) :- before(Y,X),!, split(L,Y,L1,L2).
          | split([],_,[],[]).
          | before(pair(X1,Y1),pair(X2,Y2)) :- X1 < X2.
          | numbered(tree(T1,pair(X,N1),T2),N0,N) :-
          |    numbered(T1,N0,N1),
          |    N2 is N1+1,
          |    numbered(T2,N2,N).
          | numbered(void,N,N).
Use Of Meta-Predicates
This example illustrates the use of the meta-predicates 'var' and
'=..'. The procedure call 'variables(Term,L,[])' instantiates variable
L to a list of all the variable occurrences in the term Term.
For example,
variables(d(U*V,X,DU*V+U*DV), [U,V,X,DU,V,U,DV], []).

          | variables(X,[X|L],L) :- var(X),!.
          | variables(T,L0,L) :- T =.. [F|A], variables1(A,L0,L).
          | variables1([T|A],L0,L) :- variables(T,L0,L1), variables1(A,L1,L).
          | variables1([],L,L).
Prolog In Prolog
This example shows how simple it is to write a Prolog interpreter
in  Prolog,  and  illustrates  the  use  of  a variable goal.  In this
mini-interpreter, goals and clauses are represented as ordinary Prolog
data structures (i.e. terms). Terms representing clauses are specified
using the unary predicate 'clause', e.g.
          clause( (grandparent(X,Z):-parent(X,Y),parent(Y,Z)) ).
A unit clause will be represented by a term such as:
          clause( parent(john,mary) :- true )
The mini-interpreter consists of four clauses:
          | execute(true) :-!.
          | execute((P,Q)) :- !, execute(P), execute(Q).
          | execute(P) :- clause((P:-Q)), execute(Q).
          | execute(P) :- P.
The last clause enables the mini-interpreter to  cope  with  calls  to
ordinary Prolog predicates, e.g.  evaluable predicates.
Translating English Sentences Into Logic Formulae
The following example of a definite clause grammar defines  in  a
formal  way  the  traditional mapping of simple English sentences into
formulae  of  classical  logic.   By  way  of  illustration,  if the
            Every man that lives loves a woman.
is parsed as a 'sentence(P)', P will get instantiated to:
        all(X):(man(X)&lives(X) => exists(Y):(woman(Y)&loves(X,Y)))
where ':', '&' and '=' are infix operators defined by:
The grammar follows:
          | sentence(P) --> noun_phrase(X,P1,P), verb_phrase(X,P1).
          | noun_phrase(X,P1,P) -->
          |    determiner(X,P2,P1,P), noun(X,P3), rel_clause(X,P3,P2).
          | noun_phrase(X,P,P) --> name(X).
          | verb_phrase(X,P) --> trans_verb(X,Y,P1), noun_phrase(Y,P1,P).
          | verb_phrase(X,P) --> intrans_verb(X,P).
          | rel_clause(X,P1,P1&P2) --> [that], verb_phrase(X,P2).
          | rel_clause(_,P,P) --> [].
          | determiner(X,P1,P2, all(X):(P1=>P2) ) --> [every].
          | determiner(X,P1,P2, exists(X):(P1&P2) ) --> [a].
          | noun(X, man(X) ) --> [man].
          | noun(X, woman(X) ) --> [woman].
          | name(john) --> [john].
          | trans_verb(X,Y, loves(X,Y) ) --> [loves].
          | intrans_verb(X, lives(X) ) --> [lives].

Colmerauer A [1975]
        "Les Grammaires de Metamorphose".
        Groupe d'Intelligence Artificielle,Marseille-Luminy.  Nov 1975.
        Appears  as "Metamorphosis  Grammars" in  "Natural  Language
        Communication with Computers", Springer Verlag, 1978.
van Emden M H [1975]
        "Programming with Resolution Logic".
        Report  CS-75-30,  Dept. of Computer   Science, University of
        Waterloo, Canada.  Nov 1975.
Kowalski R A [1974]
       "Logic for Problem Solving".
       DCL Memo 75, Dept of AI, Edinburgh.  Mar 74.
Pereira F C N & Warren D H D [1978]
       "Definite Clause Grammars Compared  with  Augmented  Transition
       Forthcoming report, Dept. of AI, Edinburgh.
Robinson J A [1965]
       "A Machine-Oriented Logic Based on the Resolution Principle".
       JACM vol 12, pp.23-44. 1965.
Roussel P [1975]
       "Prolog : Manuel de Reference et d'Utilisation".
       Groupe d'Intelligence Artificielle, Marseille-Luminy. Sep 1975.
Warren D H D [1977]
        "Implementing Prolog - Compiling Predicate Logic Programs".
        Research reports 39 & 40, Dept.  of AI, Edinburgh.  1977.
Warren D H D, Pereira L M, Pereira, F C N [1977]
       "Prolog - the  Language  and  its  Implementation Compared  with
       Procs. of the  ACM  Symposium  on  Artificial Intelligence  and
       Programming Languages, SIGART/SIGPLAN Notices, Rochester, N.Y.,
       Aug 1977.

   Peter H. Roosen-Runge, Department of Computer Science, York University
                          Toronto M3J 1P3 , Ontario, Canada
"Eccles, is the ship sinking?"   "Only below the sea."  
"We must try to save the ship -- help me get it into the lifeboat."