PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (03/06/86)
PROLOG Digest Thursday, 6 Mar 1986 Volume 4 : Issue 10 Today's Topics: Announcement - 3rd ICLP Program ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 4 Mar 86 12:48:22 -0200 From: Ehud Shapiro <udi%wisdom.bitnet@WISCVM.WISC.EDU> Subject: 3rd ICLP Program Third International Conference on Logic Programming July 14-18, 1986 Imperial College of Science and Technology London, UK Preliminary Program Monday, July 15 Tutorials and exhibition Tuesday, July 15 Morning: Keynote address: K. Fuchi, ICOT Session 1a: Parallel implementations Session 1b: Theory and complexity Afternoon: Session 2a: Implementations and architectures Session 2b: Inductive inference and debugging Invited talk: Jean-Luis Lassez, IBM Theory of logic programming Wednesday, July 16 Morning: Invited talk: Akikazu Takeuchi, ICOT Concurrent logic programming languages Session 3a: Concurrent logic languages Session 3b: Theory and semantics Thursday, July 17 Morning: Invited talk: Michael McCord, IBM Logic programming and natural language processing Session 4a: Parallel applications and implementations Session 4b: Theory and higher-order functions Afternoon: Session 5a: Program analysis Session 5b: Applications and teaching Invited talk: Takashi Chikayama, ICOT Prolog programming environments Friday, July 18 Morning: Invited talk: Jeffery D. Ullman, Stanford University Logic programming and databases Session 6a: Implementations and databases Session 6b: Theory and negation Afternoon: Session 7a: Compilation Session 7b: Models of computation and implementation Panel: Programming vs. uncovering parallelism Chair: Keith Clark, Imperial College Timetable Morning: 9:30-10:30 Invited talk 10:30-10:50 Coffee break 10:50-12:30 Morning parallel sessions (a & b) 12:30-14:00 Lunch break Afternoon: 14:00-15:40 Afternoon parallel sessions (a & b) 15:40-16:00 Coffee break 16:00-17:00 Invited talk/Panel discussion Sessions Session 1a: Parallel implementations Manuel V. Hermenegildo, U. of Texas at Austin An abstract machine for restricted AND-parallel execution of logic programs Manuel V. Hermenegildo, U. of Texas at Austin & Roger I. Nasr, MCC Efficient management of backtracking in AND-Pprallelism Vipin Kumar, U. of Texas at Austin An intelligent backtracking algorithm for parallel execution of logic programs Luis Moniz Pereira, Luis Monteiro, Jose Cunha & Joaquim N. Aparicio, U. Nova de Lisboa Delta Prolog: a distributed backtracking extension with events Session 1b: Theory and complexity Hasao Tamaki, Ibaraki U. OLD resolution with tabulation P. Stepanek & O. Stepankova, MFF Prague Logic programs and alternation D.A. Wolfram, Syracuse U. Intractable unifiability problems and backtracking Heikki Mannila & Esko Ukkonen, U. of Helsinki On the complexity of unification sequences Session 2a: Implementations and architectures Peter Kursawe, GMD & U. of Karlsruhe How to invent a Prolog machine Ian Foster, Steve Gregory, Graem Ringwood, Imperial College & Ken Satoh, Fujitsu Ltd. A sequential implementation of Parlog Jacob Levy, Weizmann Inst. A GHC abstract machine and instruction set Ian Robinson, Schlumberger Palo Alto Res. A Prolog processor based on a pattern matching memory device Session 2b: Inductive inference and debugging Matthew Huntbach, U. of Sussex An improved version of Shapiro's model inference system Kazuhisa Kawai, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Osamu Kakusho & Jun'ichi Toyoda, Osaka U. A framework for ICAI systems based on inductive inference and logic programming Luis Moniz Pereira, U. Nova de Lisboa Rational debugging in logic programming Randy Goebel, U. of Waterloo, Koichi Furukawa, ICOT & David Poole, U. of Waterloo Using definite clauses and integrity constraints as the basis for a theory formation approach to diagnostic reasoning Session 3a: Concurrent logic languages Rong Yang & Hideo Aiso, Keio U. P-Prolog: a parallel language based on exclusive relation Kazunori Ueda, ICOT Making exhaustive search programs deterministic Michael Codish & Ehud Shapiro, Weizmann Inst. Compiling OR-parallelism into AND-parallelism Jacob Levy, Weizmann Inst. A framework for the implementation of Or-parallel languages Session 3b: Theory and semantics Joxan Jaffar & Peter J. Stuckey, Monash U. Logic program semantics for programming with equations Gudmond Frandsen, Aarhus U. A denotational semantics for logic programming Alberto Martelli & Gianfranco Rossi, U. di Torino On the sematics of logic programmming languages Lennart Beckmann, Uppsala U. Towards a formal semantics for concurrent logic programming languages Session 4a: Parallel applications and implementations Hideo Masuzawa, Kouichi Kumon, Akihiro Itashiki, Ken Satoh & Yukio Sohma, Fujitsu Labs. Ltd. Kabu-wake parallel inference mechanism and its evaluation Ralph Butler, Ewing Lusk, William McCune & Ross Overbeek, Argonne Natl. Lab. Parallel logic programming for numeric applications Harvey Abramson, U. of British Columbia Deterministic logic grammers Yuji Matsumoto, ICOT A parallel parsing system for natural language analysis Session 4b: Theory and higher-order functions Michael J. Maher, U. of Melbourne Equivalence of logic programs Phil Vasey, Imperial College Qualified answers and their application to transformation M.A. Nait Abdallah, U. of W. Ontario Procedures in Horn-clause programming Dale A. Miller & Gopalan Nadathur, U. of Pennsylvania Higher-order logic programming Session 5a: Program analysis C.S. Mellish, U. of Sussex Abstract interpretation of Prolog programs Tadashi Kanamori, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. & Hirohisa Seki, ICOT Verification of Prolog programs using an extension of execution Saumya K. Debray & David S. Warren, SUNY at Stony Brook Detection and optimisation of functional computations in Prolog Katsuhiko Nakamura, Tokyo Denki U. Control of logic program execution based on the functional relations Session 5b: Applications and teaching A. Richard Helm & Kirn Marriott, U. of Melbourne Declarative graphics Rajiv Gupta, SUNY at Stony Brook Test-pattern generation for VLSI circuits in a Prolog environment C.J. Rawlings, W.R. Taylor, J. Nyakairu, J. Fox & M.J.E. Sternberg, Imperial Cancer Res. Fund & Birkbeck College Using Prolog to represent and reason about protein structure Oded Maler, Zahava Scherz & Ehud Shapiro, Weizmann Inst. A New approach for introducing Prolog to naive users Session 6a: Implementations and databases Kotagiri Ramamohanarao & John Shepherd, U. of Melbourne A superimposed codeword indexing scheme for very large Prolog databases D.S. Moffat & P.M.D. Gray, U. of Aberdeen Interfacing Prolog to a persistent data store P. Boizumault, CNRS General model for implementing DIF and FREEZE Martin Nilsson & Hidehiko Tanaka, U. of Tokyo Cyclic tree traversal Session 6b: Theory and negation R. Barbuti, U. di Pisa Completeness of the SLDNF-resolution for a class of logic programs Paul J. Voda, U. of British Columbia Choices in, and limitations of, logic programming Lee Naish, U. of Melbourne Negation and quantifiers in NU-Prolog David L. Poole & Randy Goebel, U. of Waterloo Gracefully adding negation and disjunction to Prolog Session 7a: Compilation Evan Tick, Stanford U. Memory performance of Lisp and Prolog programs Kenneth A. Bowen, Kevin A. Buettner, Ilyas Cicekli & Andrew Turk, Syracuse U. The design and implementation of a high-speed incremental portable Prolog compiler Andrew K. Turk, Syracuse U. Compiler optimizations for the WAM Kevin A. Buettner, Syracuse U. Fast decompiling of compiled Prolog clauses Session 7b: Models of computation and implementation Christopher T. Haynes, Indiana U. Logic continuations Chris Moss, Imperial College Cut & Paste - defining the impure primitives of Prolog M. Fujita, Fujitsu Labs. Ltd., S. Kono, H. Tanaka & T. Moto-oka, U. of Tokyo Tokio: logic programming language based on temporal logic and its compilation to Prolog Sun Chengzheng & Tzu Yungui, Changsha Inst. The OR-woods description of the execution of logic programs ------------------------------ End of PROLOG Digest ********************