lacroix@prlb2.UUCP (Michel Lacroix) (01/17/85)
We are looking for a Prolog system running on Symbolics 3670. -- Michel Lacroix. {hirst1,inria,mcvax,philabs}!prlb2!lacroix
sc@security.UUCP (Stuart Cohnen) (02/06/85)
Contact Lisp Machines Inc of Cambridge MA even though they make thier own Lisp Machine, they will sell you a tape with Prolog onit to run on a 3600. We have one such tape, perhaps they can sell you one for the 3670. Stuart Cohnen (..[linus||genrad]!security!sc) or (
jflechon@bbncc5.UUCP (Louis Flechon) (03/20/86)
Could anyone give me some information on PROLOG for the Symbolics Lisp Machines ? At the current state of my search, I know Symbolics sells one and LMI distributes another one from Uppsala University. Does anyone have some experience with any of them ? What is the performance like ? Is there a compiler ? Is this the DEC-10 syntax ? How is the interaction with the LISP environment and the window system ? Is there an extensive set of predefinite predicates ? ... Is there any other PROLOG available on Symbolics ? Jean-Louis FLECHON BBN Comm. Corp.