[net.lang.prolog] Prolog programmers

mnl@cernvax.UUCP (mnl) (05/09/86)

Prolog programmers must be humorless people.  After all, they use
:- instead of :-) or :-(
Mark Nelson

mnl@cernvax.bitnet or ...!seismo!mcvax!cernvax!mnl
"This function is occasionally useful as the arguement to a function
which requires a function as an arguement."  Guy Steele

roger@dedalus.UUCP (Roger Cordes) (05/13/86)

	Tuesday, 13 May 1986, 6:18 a.m.

	In <309@cernvax.UUCP>, mnl@cernvax.UUCP (Mark Nelson) writes:
>	Prolog programmers must be humorless people.  After all, they use
>	:- instead of :-) or :-(

	While I regret increasing the noise-to-signal ratio of this group,
	I must offer the following as refutation, extracted from
	"Programming with P-Shell", by Newton S. Lee, as published in
	the Summer, 1986 issue of "IEEE Expert", p. 51:

		"In Prolog, it is denoted as
			a :- b1, b2, ..., bn (n>=0)
		 where the head of the clause (to the left of :-) is the
		 unnegated atom and the body (to the right of :-) consists of
		 all the negated atoms."

	Humorless, indeed!

	Roger L. Cordes, Jr.			William G. Daniel & Associates
	...!mcnc!ncsu!fcstools!dedalus!roger	8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 140
	(919) 467-9708				Cary, N.C.  27511