[net.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V4 #21

PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (06/12/86)

PROLOG Digest            Friday, 13 Jun 1986       Volume 4 : Issue 21

Today's Topics:
         Implementation - Assert & Truth Maintenance & DFID,
                       & Behavior & Arithmetic

Date: wed, 11 jun 86 09:29:27 pdt
From: Tom Dietterich <tgd%oregon-state.csnet@csnet-relay>
Subject: Assert, Assume, and Truth Maintenance

genesereth and his students at stanford have a version
of their mrs system (which is a logic programming system
embedded in lisp) that contains both an assumption mechanism
(called residue) and an assumption-based tms.  it also
contains a caching mechanism.  strictly speaking, caching
does not require making assumptions.  but caching can
interact with negation-as-failure whenever changes are
made to the database.

at oregon state, we have developed a forward-chaining logic
programming system that we call forlog.  it is based on
dekleer's assumption-based truth maintenance system and so,
by default, caches all inferences.  it also supports the
making and retracting of assumptions (of course), as well
as true negation, true equality, and built-in temporal

-- Tom Dietterich
   Department of Computer Science
   Oregon State University


Date: 11 Jun 86 02:29:29 GMT
From: Thomas Sj|land <!alf@ucbvax.berkeley.edu>
Subject: Depth First Iterative Deepening in parallel Prologs

I agree with earlier statements that DFPD is rather useless
as an approach for or-parallel logic programming systems. It
has one interesting point though:

It is hard to think of an or-parallel scheme which has a
simpler implementation than this one. The needed communication
is minimal and the variable  representation is optimal ( =
Warren's for instance). The price you pay is reexecution. In
all other schemes I have seen (in our lab there is work going
on considering a handful (sic!)) there are considerable measures
taken as to either reach a highly flexible variable
representation (Haridi/Ciepielweski /Hausman proposes hashing
etc.) or trying to avoid copying through more or less smart
heuristics or even specialized hardware (Khayri/Fahlen/Karlsson).
All of these schemes involve a considerable amount of
communication, at least compared to DFPD.

An implementation of a DFPD Horn Clause prover ("pure
Prolog") could show useful in the sense that any proposed
"smart" scheme has to be at least as good as the DFPD
scheme (for at least some subclass of programs and queries)
to be taken seriously. It is also interesting to notice
that DFPD is complete, whereas most of the "smarter" schemes
are not.


Date: 9 Jun 86 13:39:34 GMT
From: Gilbert Cockton <!gilbert@ucbvax.berkeley>
Subject: Standard behavior?

In all humility, and with a strong chance of getting
it all wrong here I go:

var(X) = All t in Term: can_unify(t,X)

where can_unify is true if a most general unifier can
be found for both its arguments.

nonvar(X) = Exists t in Term: NOT(can_unify(t,X))

Dirty structures like lists with uninstantiated tails
(as in the unit time queue trick) are nonvar under
these definitions.

I've had minimal training in Logic, so I don't know
if the set of all Terms is an ok construct. Seems ok
to me.

This leaves cut, which is definitely meta-logical.


Date: Thu 12 Jun 86 11:51:38-EDT
From: Vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@C.CS.CMU.EDU>
Subject: Arithmetic without infinitely many symbols.

As another illustration of how variables may be
used to good effect, here is a set of routines that
implement Presburger arithmetic (=, <, addition)
for the integers by using a] a representation of
numbers as structures built up using a unary
function symbol and b] the idea of a difference list.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with CP[!,|],
here is a brief description of the annotations
that may help you to udnerstand the program:

--This is an AND-parallel and OR-parallel
language: all clauses for all goals in the
currrent resolvent are tried in parallel.

--If a term is decorated with a '!' in the head
of a clause, then unification of the head of the clause
with a goal term suspends until the corresponding argument
in the goal becomes (top-level) instantiated.

--The definition of the !/2 annotation is more complex.
 Basically it works like a top-level ==. In this context,
 == is adequate, as explained below.

/* This is a module that shows how Presburger
arithmetic may be done in O(1) unifications, using
a unary representation of numbers. We represent a
number by a structure that has two component
terms.  Let the term s(s(...m times..(X)...) be
denoted by s^m(X).

The term s^m(X)-X represents the positive
number m; the term X-X represents 0 and the term
X-s^m(X) represents -m.

Let |A| stand for the integer represented by the
term A. Then:

sgn(X,S)   holds iff |X| is positive and S=p;
sgn(X,S)   holds iff |X| is negative and S=n;
sgn(X,S)   holds iff |X| is 0 and S=0.
neg(A,B)   holds iff |A|=-|B|,
eq(A,B)    holds iff |A|=|B|,
<(A,B)     holds iff |A| < |B|,
add(A,B,C) holds iff |A|+|B|=|C|,
sub(A,B,C) holds iff |A|-|B|=|C|.

All these operations can be done in 1 unification.
(The definition of sub/3 and </2 may be partially
evaluated  to give a table like that of add/3.)

--A call to sgn, neg and eq takes constant time.

--A call to <, add, sub takes time proportional to
  the smaller of the two numbers involved.

Suspension behaviour:

--Calls to any predicate (except neg) suspend
  until the "input" terms are instantiated to terms
  representing numbers.


sgn(X!-Y,  p).
sgn(X-Y!,  n).
sgn(X!a-X!a, 0). /* i.e. sgn(X-Y, 0):- X==Y | true. */

neg(X-Y, Y-X).

eq(X!a-Y!b, X!a-Y!b).
  /* i.e. eq(X1-Y1, X2-Y2):- X1==X2, Y1==Y2 | true. */

<(X, Y):- add(B, A, Y), sgn(A, P).

   /* adding two positive numbers. */
add(X!-Y, Y!-Z, X-Z).
   /* adding two negative nos. */
add(X-Y!, Y-Z!, X-Z).
   /* adding a positive to a negative no. */
add(X!-Y, X-Z!, Z-Y).
  /* adding a negative number to a positive no. */
add(X-Y!, X!-Z, Y-Z).
  /* adding 0 to a number. */
add(X!a-X!a, Y, Y).
  /* adding a number to 0.*/
add(Y, X!a-X!a, Y).

sub(A, X1-Y1, Z):-
 add(A, Y1-X1, Z).


End of PROLOG Digest