[net.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V4 #34

PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (08/07/86)

PROLOG Digest             Friday, 8 Aug 1986       Volume 4 : Issue 34

Today's Topics: 
                    Announcement - LP conference,
                         Query -  Bagof Bug,
                          Puzzle - Farmer's

Date: 7 August 1986, 10:52:40 EDT
From: Jean-Louis Lassez <JLL@ibm.com>
Subject: LP conference

The dates of the 4th International Logic Programming
Conference have now been determined.  The conference
will be held at the University of Melbourne on the
25-29 May 1987.

Thank you,

-- jl


Date: Wed 6 Aug 86 14:38:43-CDT
From: Dave Plummer <ATP.PLUMMER@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: DEC-10 Bagof - Bug?

Given the program:


and the goal bagof(X, p(X,Y), S).  Edinburgh DEC-10 Prolog

S = [1,2,3]
X = _??
Y = 3

and on backtracking

S = [4]
X = _??
Y = 4

This behaviour doesn't agree with my reading of the
documentation, since the solution set [1,2,4] is
consistent with Y = 4.  Is this a bug?

-- Dave


Date: Wed, 6 Aug 86 17:22:00 BST
From: William Clocksin <wfc%cam.cl@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK>
Subject: Farmer Puzzle

Mario Bougoin's Farmer problem: does it help to say
that this problem is a thinly disguised "Missionaries
and Cannibals" problem, the solution to which appears
in various places i.e., Kowalski's book.


Date: Thu, 7 Aug 86 10:46:32 pdt
From: Allen VanGelder <avg@diablo>
Subject: Farmer problem

My suggestion is to first take all the or's (;'s) out
of the program and see if what you have makes sense.
This will give you a better chance of having a correct
program.  In particular, the rule for linked_state
looks suspicious and is overly complicated.  Taking the
or's out will also make it more obvious why the program
loops.  Others will no doubt point out the cause, but
you can see for yourself using 'trace'.

There are 2 ways to remove or's from the rule p :- a,(b; c),d.

If goal 'a' is cheap, just split it into
        p :- a, b, d.           p :- a, c, d.

If 'a' is expensive, and you don't want to pay to redo it when
b fails, invent a new predicate, say b_or_c,  and write

p :- a, b_or_c, d.      b_or_c :- b.    b_or_c :- c.

10 or 20 simple rules are easier to check for correctness and
completeness than 4 complicated ones.


Date: 06 Aug 86 15:25:08 PDT (Wed)
From: vis!greg@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu
Subject: Farmer, Wolf, Goose/Goat, Grain/Cabbage

% Here's a solution to the Farmer, Wolf, Goat/Goose,
% Cabbage/Grain problem.  Improvements could be made by:
% 1.  Using a better data structure for states already
% seen, e.g. a tree, a hash table, assert, or a bit set.
% 2.  Using best first search.
% Fortunately, we can separate these concerns from the
% problem.
% Domain independent depth first search rules:

% solve( initial State, Goal state, solution Path )
solve(S,G,P) :- path(S,G,[S],P).

% path( current State, Goal state, History list,
% solution Path

path(S,G,H,P) :- move(S,N),        	% move to a New state
                 not(unsafe(N)),   	% which is legal
                 not(member(N,H)), 	% and not seen before
                 path(N,G,[N|H],P).	% then complete the path

member(X,[X|T]) :- !.
member(X,[Y|T]) :- member(X,T).

% Domain rules (independent of search strategy):

move(fwgc(X,W,G,C), fwgc(Y,W,G,C)) :- opp(X,Y). % farmer goes alone
move(fwgc(X,X,G,C), fwgc(Y,Y,G,C)) :- opp(X,Y). % farmer takes wolf
move(fwgc(X,W,X,C), fwgc(Y,W,Y,C)) :- opp(X,Y). % farmer takes goat
move(fwgc(X,W,G,X), fwgc(Y,W,G,Y)) :- opp(X,Y). % farmer takes cabbage

opp(e,w).  opp(w,e).            % East and West are opposites

unsafe(fwgc(F,X,X,C)) :- opp(F,X).      % wolf would eat goat
unsafe(fwgc(F,W,X,X)) :- opp(F,X).      % goat would eat cabbage

% example query:
% ?- solve( fwgc(e,e,e,e), fwgc(w,w,w,w), Solution ).

-- J. Greg Davidson


Date: Thu, 7 Aug 86 12:42:10 edt
From: Yasuda%upenn-graded@cis.upenn.edu
Subject: Solution; Farmer Problem

Here we go! The solution here is due to
Ronald M. Lee.

/*          The Farmer and the River Problem             */

/* Problem:

   The Farmer  has a  goat, a  cabbage, and a wolf. He needs to
   cross a river, but his boat will only  hold himself  and one
   other article.  The problem arises because 1)the cabbage and
   the goat cannot be left unattended, nor 2) can the  goat and
   the wolf.

/*   state  predicate  describes  the  arrangement  of  the
     four individuals, whether they are here or there.

     state(Farmer, Cabbage, Goat, Wolf)                   */

forbid( state(here, there, there, _)).    /* restriction 1 */
forbid( state(here, _, there, there)).    /* restriction 2 */
forbid( state(there, here, here, _)).     /* dual of 1     */
forbid( state(there, _, here, here)).     /* dual of 2     */

crossing( state(here, X, Y, Z),
          state(there, X, Y, Z)).     /* cross alone        */

crossing( state(here, here, Y, Z),
          state(there, there, Y, Z)). /* cross with Cabbage */

crossing( state(here, X, here, Z),
          state(there, X, there, Z)). /* cross with Goat    */

crossing( state(here, X, Y, here),
          state(there, X, Y,there)).  /* cross with Wolf    */

trans(X, Y) :- crossing(X, Y),

trans(X, Y) :- crossing(Y, X),

go(X, Z, [X|L]) :- plan(X, Z, L, [X]).

plan(X, X, [], _).    /* terminating condition */

plan(X, Z, [Y|L], Q) :-
not(member(Y, Q)),
               plan(Y, Z, L, [Y|Q]).

/* plan(From, To, Update_Route, Old_route):
   You can read  it  as:  "You  can  go  from  From  to
   To via Update_Route, if  there is  a trans  from From
   to To, and if you haven't been to Y before ( prevents
   looping), and if you can go gom From to To."


/* member/2 */
   member(X,[_|Rest]):- member(X,Rest).

 /* to test this program just call


-- Osvaldo


End of PROLOG Digest