[net.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V4 #46

PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (09/01/86)

PROLOG Digest             Monday, 1 Sep 1986       Volume 4 : Issue 46

Today's Topics:
                     Puzzle - Knights and Knaves,
                Implementation - Bagof & Fixed Points

Date: 25 Aug 86 18:20:37 EDT
Subject: "Knights and Knaves": a solution

To solve the "Knights and Knaves" puzzle we construct a simple
theory of the island.  Syntactically, the theory consists of

        "is(X,K)" and "says(X,A)"

where X is a person, K - his/her kind
(Knight or Knave) and A - a sentence.  Only negation is allowed,
no conjunction etc.  Hence every sentence looks like


with possibly interspersed negations.  We are interested in the
models of this theory.  Notice that the truth of a sentence
depends on who says it, and that's why it is enough to consider
the assignments to the predicate "is" of the form { is(larry,...),
is(curly,...), is(moe,...)} .  My procedure true/2 determines the
truth of a sentence in a given model.

It is interesting to see that the models are only partially
determined.  That's why the puzzle asks abour Curly and Moe, but
not about Larry.

I have also another solution of this puzzle which does not use "\+"
in the code. However, I had to make stronger assumptions about the
situation being modelled and the code is a bit longer.

/*   "Knights and Knaves": a solution by Jan Chomicki.  */


true(~A,T) :- \+ true(A,T).
true(is(X,K),T) :- member(is(X,K),T).
true(says(X,A),T) :- true(is(X,knight),T), !, true(A,T).
true(says(X,A),T) :- true(is(X,knave),T), !, \+ true(A,T).

solution([is(larry,A),is(curly,B),is(moe,C)]) :- oneof(A),oneof(B),



member(X,[X|_]) :- !.
member(X,[Y|L]) :- X\==Y, member(X,L).

g(X) :- solution(X), true(says(curly,says(larry,is(larry,knave))),X),

| ?- g(X).

X = [larry is knave,curly is knave,moe is knight] ;

X = [larry is knight,curly is knave,moe is knight] ;



Date: 22 Aug 86 09:53:11 GMT
From: Chris Moss <mcvax!ukc!icdoc!cdsm@seismo.css.gov>
Subject: Dave Plummer's bagof query

>Given the program:
>p(1,_). p(2,_). p(3,3). p(4,4).
>and the goal bagof(X, p(X,Y), S).  Edinburgh DEC-10 Prolog
>S = [1,2,3] X = _ Y = 3
>S = [4]     X = _ Y = 4
>This behaviour doesn't agree with my reading of the

Poplog produces the solutions:
        S=[4]  X =_1 Y=4
        S=[3]  X =_1 Y=3
        S=[1,2] X=_1 Y=_2

which is _slightly_ more consistent.

The problem has been dealt with in:

Lee Naish: All solutions predicates in Prolog.
Techch Report 84/4, Dept of Comp. Sc., Univ of Melbourne.

He has a 'hard-line' solution which involves coroutining and
never returning variables if they can be subsequently bound.

-- Chris Moss


Date: Thu 28 Aug 86 13:53:54
From: Wlodek Drabent <enea!liuida!wdr@seismo.CSS.GOV>
Subject: Fixed Points

Here is a two-clause "fixed point" program:

        fix( X, g(X) ) :- g( X ).

        g(( fix( X, g(X) ) :- g( X ) )).

and an execution trace for it:

| ?- fix( X, Y ).

X = (fix(_162,g(_162)):-g(_162)),
Y = g((fix(_162,g(_162)):-g(_162))) ;

| ?- listing.

fix(_1,g(_1)) :-


| ?-

The drawback of the program is that it accepts not only itself
but also every instance of itself. The second program is without
this disadvantage:

        fix( X, (g(X,Y):-Y) ) :- g( X, Y ).

          ( fix( X, (g(X,Y):-Y) ) :- g( X, Y ) ),
          ( var( X ), var( Y ), X\==Y )
         ) :- var( X ), var( Y ), X\==Y.

Here is an execution trace for the second program:

| ?- fix( X, Y ).

X = (fix(_163,(g(_163,_164):-_164)):-g(_163,_164)),
Y = (g((fix(_163,(g(_163,_164):-_164)):-g(_163,_164)),


| ?- listing.

fix(_1,(g(_1,_2):-_2)) :-

g((fix(_1,(g(_1,_2):-_2)):-g(_1,_2)),(var(_1)','var(_2)','_1\==_2)) :-


-- Wlodek Drabent


Date: 31 Aug 86 12:24:39 GMT
From: Ran Ever-Hadani <techunix.BITNET!raan@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: Answer to fixed-points query

In pure Prolog, it is not possible to construct a single clause,
self/1 with non-empty body that yields any answer to a query; it can
either fail or go into infinite loop.  If the clause is Head:-Body
then the initial goal is Head, and no reduction can ever produce the
empty goal.

self/1 with no body is also not possible, since it will have to
contain itself.

The solution below is a procedure is self/2, which contains two
clauses and is true when fed these clauses as parameters.

self(Y,self(Y,0)) :- self(Y,0).

This it not perfect, since if we ask ?- self(A,B). then apart from
A=.. clause1 ..  B=.. clause2 ..  which is the sollution we want,
we also get A=.. clause1 ..  B=0 (by unifying directly to clause2).

This can only be avoided using a cut (which is not pure Prolog) as
shown in a slightly different version of self/2 below:

Script started on Sun Aug 31 14:58:20 1986
% cprolog
C-Prolog version 1.4a
| ?- [user].
| self(Y,self(Y,0)) :- self(Y,0), !.
| self((self(Y,self(Y,0)):-self(Y,0),!),0).
| ^D
user consulted 416 bytes 0.116667 sec.

| ?- self(A,B).

A = self(_9,self(_9,0)):-self(_9,0),!
B = self((self(_9,self(_9,0)):-self(_9,0),!),0) ;

| ?- ^D
[ Prolog execution halted ]
Script done on Sun Aug 31 14:59:33 1986

-- Ran Ever-Hadani


End of PROLOG Digest