[net.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V4 #48

PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA (Chuck Restivo, The Moderator) (09/10/86)

PROLOG Digest           Thursday, 11 Sep 1986      Volume 4 : Issue 48

Today's Topics:
       Announcement - Logic In Computer Science Call For Papers

Date: Tue, 9 Sep 86 21:34:46 PDT
From: Moshe Vardi <vardi@navajo.stanford.edu>
Subject: Call for Papers

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

                      SECOND ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON
                      LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE

                          22 - 25 June 1987
              Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

THE SYMPOSIUM will cover a wide range of theoretical and  practi-
cal  issues  in  Computer Science that relate to logic in a broad
sense, including algebraic and topological approaches.

Suggested  (but  not  exclusive)  topics  of  interest   include:
abstract data types, computer theorem proving, verification, con-
currency, type theory and constructi ve  mathematics,  data  base
theory,  foundations of logic programming, program logics and se-
mantics, knowledge and belief,  software  specifications,  logic-
based programming languages, logic in complexity theory.

                     Organizing Committee

  K. Barwise               E. Engeler                 A. Meyer
  W. Bledsoe               J. Goguen                  R. Parikh
  A. Chandra (chair)       D. Kozen                   G. Plotkin
  E. Dijkstra              Z. Manna                   D. Scott

                       Program Committee

S. Brookes      D. Gries (chair)    J.-P. Jouannaud     A. Nerode
L. Cardelli     J. Goguen           R. Ladner           G. Plotkin
R. Constable    Y. Gurevich         V. Lifschitz        A. Pnueli
M. Fitting      D. Harel            G. Longo            P. Scott

PAPER SUBMISSION.  Authors should send 16 copies  of  a  detailed
abstract  (not  a  full  paper) by 9 DECEMBER 1986 to the program

       David Gries -- LICS              (607) 255-9207
       Department of Computer Science   gries@gvax.cs.cornell.edu
       Cornell University
       Ithaca, New York 14853

Abstracts must be clearly written and provide  sufficient  detail
to allow the program committee to assess the merits of the paper.
References and comparisons with related work should  be  included
where  appropriate.   Abstracts  must be no more than 2500 words.
Late abstracts or abstracts departing  significantly  from  these
guidelines  run a high risk of not being considered.  If a copier
is not available to the author,  a single copy  of  the  abstract
will be accepted.

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by 30 JANUARY
1987.   Accepted  papers, typed on special forms for inclusion in
the symposium proceedings, will be due 30 MARCH 1987.

The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society,  Techni-
cal  Committee  on Mathematical Foundations of Computing and Cor-
nell University, in cooperation wi th ACM SIGACT, ASL, and EATCS.

  Ashok K. Chandra                      Dexter C. Kozen
  IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center  Dept. of Computer Science
  P.O. Box 218                          Cornell University
  Yorktown Heights, New York 10598      Ithaca, New York 14853
  (914) 945-1752                        (607) 255-9209
  ashok@ibm.com                         kozen@gvax.cs.cornell.edu


End of PROLOG Digest