[net.rec.bridge] 1NT defense

woods (02/03/83)

   All of us here at HAO who play bridge use the Precision system. We 
have played it for so long that playing Standard makes us feel like we are
entirely in the dark. The Precision method for dealing with 1NT openings is:

2C=both minors
2D=both majors  (these 2 bids are alertable, of course)
2H=hearts, some points
2S=spades, some points  (these 2 show a desire to find game in a major suit,
			 since we use a weak notrump, i.e. 13-15 points, it is
			 still conceivable that your side could have game in
			 spite of an opening 1NT bid by the opponents)

3+ -level bids: same as an opening 3-level bid, i.e. long good suit with little
else of value, designed as a preempt to screw the opponents out of a makeable
game or force them to bid at too high a level.
