[net.rec.bridge] response to harder game question.

bmh@unc.UUCP (07/24/83)

After seeing West toss out a spade on the first heart trick, I
would lead a low diamond from South to one of the high diamond's
in North's hand (KJ10), praying that East didn't have a void in
diamonds.  If that trick went thru then I could finess the J of
Hearts in East's hand, either making my 10H good or taking the
J of Hearts.  Then it would just be a matter of running out the
hearts and diamonds to make 6.

  This is fun.   Let's everyone dig up an old problem they saw
  way back when and post it too the group.  It's nice to see some
  action in this group.

PS. I'm working on a bridge game to play 5 card major.  So far
I'm about half way done with the bidding.  The bidding is feasible
I think, but the playing of the game is nontrivial if you want
a good player.  The main reason I'm writing a game is for when
there are three of us who want to play (but don't have a fourth).
This way the computer game bids one hand and we all get to bid
our own hands as normal.  Then whoever's dummy plays the computer's
hand.  This is much better than the three handed bridge we
usually end up playing where we bid for the unknown dummy.

dje@5941ux.UUCP (07/26/83)

When discussing bridge hands from previous articles, PLEASE give a recap
of what the problem is.  Especially when several puzzle hands are outstanding
exercises for the readers...