[net.rec.bridge] natural problem

rh@mit-eddie.UUCP (Randy Haskins) (08/02/83)

Some hosers were playing bridge in our terminal room the other
night, and the contract on the following hand was four hearts.
When I saw declarer's and dummy's hand, I said, "Oh, wow, you
can make six."

                         S- A 9 8 4
                         H- Q 9 6
                         D- 7
                         C- A K Q T 4

                         S- Q 3
                         H- A K J 7 2
                         D- J T 6 5 3
                         C- 7

Well, 6 needs somewhat favorable distribution, and a sort-of kind
opening lead.  Now, try and make 6 with 5 hearts in the east hand.
One of the defenders lead away from the KS at one point, giving 
away a trick, but the declarer still only made five (he didn't
plan for the 5-0 break).  Play with it, talk about the possibilities.
	Randwulf (Randy Haskins)
  rh@mit-ee (via mit-mc)

rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (08/05/83)

The problem stated to make 6H given that someone led away from his
KS and east had 5 hearts:
There's probably a number of solutions, here is one. Give east five hearts,
3 clubs, 2 diamonds, 2 spades, and either an extra diamond or spade. Let west
lead away from his King of spades on the opening lead. Win with the Queen
and lead a diamond. Best defense is for east to take this trick and lead
a trump. Win that or any other lead in dummy. Cash the AS and AKQ of clubs
pitching diamonds. Rough a spade low. Rough a diamond low. Rough a spade low.
Rough a diamond high. Claim with your high trumps.