rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (08/03/83)
North S:Q85 H:AKQJT D:T C:AJ76 South S:J932 H:54 D:AQJ7 C:KQ4 S W N E 1D -- 2H -- 2N -- 6N! -- -- -- Opening lead by West: TC Justify North's confidence in you by giving this hand your best play.
halle1@houxz.UUCP (08/05/83)
North S:Q85 H:AKQJT D:T C:AJ76 South S:J932 H:54 D:AQJ7 C:KQ4 S W N E 1D -- 2H -- 2N -- 6N! -- -- -- Opening lead by West: TC Win the club jack and "finesse" the spade jack. You need east to have the diamond K and one spade honor. East is unlikely to go up and west is unlikely to continue spades. Win the return and run clubs and hearts ending on the board. The ending is: S:Q8 H:T D:T C: S: S:A H:immaterial H: D: D:Kxx C: C: S: H: D:AQJ7 C: Lead the last winner and east is squeezed. Either you win a spade and two diamonds, or three diamonds when the K drops. Actually, when there is no double, the slam is about 50%!!!
carol@zehntel.UUCP (Carol Simon ) (08/12/83)
#R:ihuxe:-27700:zehntel:7000001:000:1821 zehntel!carol Aug 9 12:05:00 1983 ***** zehntel:net.rec.bridge / ihuxe!rainbow / 6:47 am Aug 3, 1983 North S:Q85 H:AKQJT D:T C:AJ76 South S:J932 H:54 D:AQJ7 C:KQ4 S W N E 1D -- 2H -- 2N -- 6N! -- -- -- Opening lead by West: TC This hand can only be made if East has the diamond King. Run all the clubs and hearts pitching one diamond and 3 spades from the south hand. Then take the diamond finesse. The north hand has Q85 of spades and south has spade J and AQ of diamonds. It is obvious that west did not start with both spade honors or he might have led them, so spade honors are split or east is holding spade AK and diamond K bare. If honors are split, then east is holding either spade honor bare with diamond Kx or spade honor-x and diamond K bare. If east has blanked the diamond K south must guess to drop it. Otherwise, south can exit with the spade J and if east wins it, he must return a diamond away from the king, giving south the AQ of diamonds for tricks 11 & 12. If west wins the spade J to keep east from being end-played, then he must overtake east's spade honor (dropping A and K on the same lead) and lead a diamond into the AQ or a spade into dummy's Q8 (notice south originally held the 9) allowing south to finesse west for the spade ten and giving him 2 spade tricks for 11 & 12. This coupe is called a winkle. Carol Simon, Zehntel, Walnut Creek, CA.
halle1@houxz.UUCP (08/19/83)
The winkle won't work if west has a card to cash, namely a fifth club. If he does have that club, anything you do will tip him off to keep it. I'd rather make the deceptive play of the spade at trick two. I am confident that it will succeed more often. Also, if it does work, it should get you better results for the next several hands than you would get otherwise. (An application of the Grossvenor Gambit.)