[net.rec.bridge] updated version J1

rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (08/25/83)

       WEST     EAST 
       S:KJ975  S:AQT86432
       H:JT     H:AQ         CONTRACT:6S by EAST 
       D:T98    D:AQ
       C:AJ8    C:9          LEAD:KC by SOUTH
I would estimate my chances at making this contract at 99.95% for when I
duck the opening lead, poor South will have no exit card to keep me from
claiming. Either I get two pitches on the clubs or a free finesse and one
pitch on the clubs. I think the first version of this problem is the more
difficult of the two. An interesting variation is to take away one of West's
spades and give it to the opponents. Now what is the correct play with the same lead.