[net.rec.bridge] test your play R5 solution

rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (09/02/83)

         C:J763          S        W         N       E
                         4S       __        __      __
Opening lead:AH,KH. After robbing the opponents blind, Why not rub it in
and make this contract on top of it? 
I suggest the following swindle. Ruff the second heart and lead the 9D.
Whichever opponent is on lead will see no reason to force dummy by playing
a spade. Its also unlikely either one of them would want to play on clubs
for declarer because it easily could give away a trick. So the expected
return is a heart or diamond. Ruff this. Lead a spade to the King. Hope
they break 1-1. Ruff another red card. A spade to dummy. Ruff dummy's last
red card. Play AC. Play a low club from both hands. If either opponent has
QX or KX of clubs he will now have to concede a ruff and sluff. Of course
West should unblock if he holds the doubleton but one never knows. Its
worth a try in any case. Is it better to be a good bridge player or a lucky
one? I suppose a good player places himself in a position to take advantage of 
more possibilities and just appears luckier than most.