rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (09/14/83)
These bridge hands came from a local unit's bimonthly bridge news-letter. These hands occurred at a recent sectional tournament. They were used for a bidding contest of similar format which is a regular feature of every edition. A panel of ten of the best players in the unit give their analysis in the succeeding issue. A contestant gets 10 points for every "expert" who made the same bid on any particular hand. I changed this method slightly. I used these 10 responses as a survey and rated the possible bids from best to worst. If you made the best bid, I gave you 10 points. Second best=9 points. Third=8. etc. Ties were broken by what worked out better on that particular hand. A bid made by the experts yet not made in any of the responses I received was given 0 points and not included in the calculations. '*' on comments are summarized analysis from the experts. '+' refers to responses I received in the mail. '?' are my own opinions. Different bids with the same meaning were grouped together. There was a very disappointing number of submittals. 7 to be exact. The top three finishers were: 1)utzoo!dciem!dms 94 points 2)seismo!rlgvax!bob 93 points 3)cca!milla 92 points *********************************************************************** hand 1: South S W N E matchpoints S:AKQ864 -- -- P P NVul vs Vul H:A84 1S 2D P P D:9 dbl rdbl P P C:J75 ? 10-pass-1 (10 points for a pass, 1 person made the bid) 9-2S-5 ( 9 points for 2S, 5 people made this bid) 8-3S-1 ( 8 points for 3S, 1 person made this bid) **(pass) I would love to play against the 2S bidders since I would never go for my life after a random overcall as long as I remembered to redouble the reopening. **(pass) Since you asked partner to bid over 2D, his pass can only be approval for the present contract. **(2S) Partner could not show any life. West says he has a strong hand with strong diamonds. Why not beleive him? Never heard of a psychic redouble. ++(2S) because I have no defense. ??-I would expect to take 2-3 tricks in spades and my heart! Partner is a good bet to be short in spades. A doubleton at most. ***************************************************************** Hand 2: South S W N E matchpoints S:KQJ -- 1S dbl 2S NVul vs NVul H:KT82 ? D:763 C:K54 10-4H-1 9-3H-2 8-3N-1 7-dbl-2 6-2N-1 **(4H) Whether or not game makes is probably 50-50 depending on partners actual strength and distribution. There's no way to invite so you must make the decision. Bidding game has the advantage of the opponents possibly going for -500 in 4S dbl. **(3NT) This could turn out well if partner shows up with a good hand, but if he's light it doesnt have a prayer. Off 2 for a bottom most likely. **(3H) A suit contract is preferable since the odds are partner has made a light, shapely takeout double. **(dbl) This accomplishes nothing. Down one for a bad result if left in. ++(dbl) responsive, showing four hearts and forcing to game. ??-I also play responsive doubles, but if this auction happened to me, I would expect partner to bid his best minor. Now you still have to make one of the other three bids. I would expect a double to deny hearts. ****************************************************************** Hand 3: SOUTH S W N E matchpoints S:5 -- -- 1D P NVul vs NVul H:A987 1H P 1S P D:AT32 2D P 3H P C:T954 ? 10-4H-2 0-3N-0 9-5D-2 8-4D-2 7-4C,4N,4S-0,0,1 **(4H) Partner showed his distribution and invited to game. How can you refuse with no wasted club values and two aces? Even if partner is 4-3-5-1 4H should play well. **(3N) This could work out well if partner has three hearts and a stiff club honor. Otherwise it will probably make the same as 5D if partner lets you play in three no-trump. **(5D) Nice safe conservative contract that should be laydown. **(slam tries) Overly optimistic. 3H isn't even forcing. ++(4D) forcing ??-I would take this as sign-off showing a very bad four card heart suit. Partner has made an invitational bid and you have decided where to play. ******************************************************************** Hand 4: SOUTH S W N E imps S:65 -- -- 1D 1S Vul vs NVul H:AQ98 dbl* 3S P P *(neg) D:AKT6 ? C:J43 10-dbl-3 0-4H-0 9-4D-3 8-5D-1 **(dbl) Very flexible, if partner bids you'll know what to do. If partner passes I'll be happy with the sure plus score. Why try to be a hero? **(4H) Partner knows you have only a four card suit so will take another bid without adequate trump support in which case 5D will be the final contract. ??(4D) Is this forcing? I dont think I'd take it that way in a competitive auction. ??(5D) Opposite a minimum hand this contract depends on a finesse. Also, you've passed up 4H as a possible contract. ******************************************************************** hand 5: SOUTH S W N E imps S:64 1C P 1H 1S Vul vs Vul H:KT32 2H 2S 3D P D:KJ9 4H P 4S P C:AQ74 5C P 5H P ? 10-6H-2 9-pass-3 8-6D-1 7-5N-1 **(pass) You've shown him good diamonds, good trumps, AC. It sounds like partner needs something more(AD or second round spade control) for slam. **(6D) Why tell partner you have the AD? You'll end up in grand slam down one. ??(6H) Partner has shown slam interest, concern about diamonds, AS, and no AD. The question is, what does he need from you? Your diamond holding must be good enough to hold the suit to one loser. Your clubs are a good bet to provide a spade pitch(s). Picture these hands: Axx AQxx Qxxx KJ Ax AQxx Qxxx KJx Ax AQxxx Qxxx Kx or similar variations. A cold slam most likely. Well bid also. ++(6H) the only disaster hand is Axx-AQxx-QTxx-Kx, but would partner make a slam try with this? ********************************************************************** hand 6: SOUTH S W N E imps S:75 1D P 1H P Vul vs Vul H:A 2D P 3C P D:KQ7542 4C P 5D P C:A863 ? 10-pass-5 0-6D-0 9-5H-2 **(pass) Why didnt partner cuebid spades, bid four diamonds which is forcing, or even 4NT? If he wants to play 5D, let him. 3C now sounds like a 3NT game probe denying a spade stopper. ++(pass) Partner could have splintered to 3S with a singleton. **(6D) Partner has gone to a lot of trouble to show a stiff spade. And all you need for slam is AD,KH,KC, and a round suit Q. He should have at least this much for putting you in 5D thinking you have a minimum. At worst, slam should depend on a club finesse. ??-This is a close decision with either analysis equally likely to be correct. It probably depends on partners bidding style. ++(5H) accept partners slam try and show him the AH leaving open the possibility of reaching seven with a perfect match. ********************************************************************** Hand 7: South S W N E matchpoints S:AQJ74 -- P P P Vul vs Vul H:AJ86 1S P 4S P D:A ? C:AJ8 10-4NT-2 9-6S-2 8-pass-3 0-cuebid-0 **(4NT) intending to ask for kings **(6S) this gives up on grand slam **(cuebid) impossible to find out all the necessary information. ??-partner should have 5 spades, singleton or better distribution, and a minimum amount of points(6-9). Is this enough for slam? Probably. Kxxxx of spades, stiff heart, and a minor suit K or the QC is sufficient. Even grand slam is possible with the three non-heart Kings. Also Kxxxx of spades, stiff club, and K or Q of hearts is sufficient for small slam. ??(pass) Actually this is the winning bid when dummy hit the table with 6 spades to the ten, stiff diamond(!), and two queens. Two out of the three finesses were off. But next time you'd want to be in 6 with the same hand. *********************************************************************** hand 8: South S W N E matchpoints S:Q862 -- -- 1H* 2D NVul vs NVul H:A7543 ? *(5 card major) D:T9 C:K5 10-3H,3D-3,1 0-dbl-0 0-2H-0 9-4H-3 ??-9 good high card points, 5 trumps, two doubletons, must be worth a limit raise. All three bids of 3H,3D,dbl were made with the intent of showing a limit raise. ??(2H) this underbid was made at my table and a slam was missed(not our way). ??(4H) Parner will expect a weak hand and a singleton along with your five trumps. Not exactly your hand. ********************************************************************* hand 9: South S W N E matchpoints S:Q763 P P 1D P NVul vs Vul H:T62 1S P 2H P D:92 ? C:K842 10-pass-3 9-2NT-3 8-3D-1 **(pass) If you ever passed a forcing bid, this should be the time. Any other bid will is quite likely to end up with a minus score. ++(2N) Partner made a forcing bid and you must keep the bidding open to let him finish describing his hand(what if he has spade support). ??-like 4-4-4-1; unfortunately in actuality, 2H is the only contract that makes. ******************************************************************** hand 10: South S W N E matchpoints S:AKQ32 1S P 2S P Nvul vs Nvul H:A86 ? D:AK92 C:T 10-3D-3 9-3C,4C-1,1 0-3H-0 8-4S-2 ??(3D) I have a biased opinion that help suit game tries are a lot better than short suit(this could be the start of an interesting discussion). On the actual hand, after 3D, partner accepts the game try with a bid of 3H. Slam is reached and made. If 3C, partner bids 3S because he has the QJ of clubs and slam is missed. If 3H, partner bids 4S(he had a doubleton diamond and KQ of hearts) and your left guessing about slam. ??(3C) short suit game tries do have their moments at times ??(3H) inferior to 3D ??(4S) you might as well try to find out some more information before you decide there is no slam. ++(4C) splinter bid asking partner to reavaluate his hand for slam purposes. **************************************************************************** I will listen to appeals if someone feels one of their bids should have been given more points. Then I will give you a more detailed analysis of why the bids were ranked in the given order for that hand. I apologize if I missed any important comments pertaining to any of the bids. Feel free to post them. Also, point out any errors which I'm sure to have made and I'll post a revised article. Is their any interest in another bidding contest? Also, how about some comments on the format or other suggestions?