rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (Rob Buchner) (03/16/84)
S:Q32 H:KQJ9 D:Q4 C:J432 S:K H:T2 D:AKJT32 C:AQT5 Contract:5D Lead:AS,4S Scoring:Imps Whats your best line of play?
ching@hp-pcd.UUCP (03/30/84)
/***** hp-pcd:net.rec.bridge / ihuxe!rainbow / 11:00 am Mar 16, 1984*/ S:Q32 H:KQJ9 D:Q4 C:J432 S:K H:T2 D:AKJT32 C:AQT5 Contract:5D Lead:AS,4S Scoring:Imps Whats your best line of play? /* ---------- */ This is similar to "try this hand". The same principle "don't commit yourself too early" applies here, too. At round two, play a low spade from table and ruff in hand. Draw trumps. Now lead a low heart from hand. If heart holds, discard the second heart on dummy's SQ. You may lose at most another club. This works if trump break is no worse than 4-1. If you lose the first heart, then you have a heart entry to the table and can discard three clubs under dummy's SQ and two good heart tricks.