halle1@houxz.UUCP (J.HALLE) (05/05/84)
S:AJ4 H:652 D:T7543 C:AK S:Q7653 H:AK87 D:AQJ C:4 CONTRACT:6S LEAD:low club SCORING:IMPS a club is returned when the diamond finesse loses. Whats your best line of play? ##################################################### Since you cannot afford to lose another trick, you must assume that the King of spades is doubleton onsides. (Nothing else works.) You also need to pitch at least one heart on the diamonds, and be able to get to them. You cannot handle 4-1 diamonds, since after drawing trump there will be no entry. If diamonds are 3-2, you don't need them all, so throw a diamond on the club. Cash the diamond Ace, finesse the spade, cash the spade Ace, dropping the King, lead the ten of diamonds. Whenever east ruffs in, overruff, and cross to dummy using the carefully preserved three of spades. Throw hearts on the diamonds. Your hand is high.