halle1@houxz.UUCP (J.HALLE) (05/25/84)
Declarer made this hand. How? S:QJ875 H:A73 D:982 C:A4 S:432 S: H:Q H:KJT985 D: D:KQJT743 C:QJT987653 C: S:AKT96 H:642 D:A65 C:K2 Contract: 4S by South ################################## West led the club 3, dummy going up with the ace. When east showed out, south played the king under the ace. Declarer drew trumps, cashed the red aces, and led a club. West was endplayed. On the forced club return, declarer merely pitched a heart from one hand and a diamond from the other. Another club allowed him to repeat the sluff-sluff. He then cross-ruffed out. (He could instead win the fourth club, losing the last trick.) West must retain the club 3 to avoid being thrown in.
halle1@houxz.UUCP (J.HALLE) (05/25/84)
Rob Buchner gave me the first correct solution. I have received three correct solutions in all, but do not have the other two names.