rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (06/12/84)
S:AK53 H:A973 D:8652 C:4 S:QJT964 S:82 H:Q5 H:JT64 D:J9 D:QT3 C:K95 C:QT83 S:7 H:K82 D:AK74 C:AJ762 Contract:6D Lead:QS West opened the bidding 2S. How do you make the hand? *************************** Cash AS, KS(pitching a heart), and a low spade. A)if east ruffs, pitch a club. Win return. Ruff a couple clubs. Draw trump. Run trumps squeezing west in hearts and clubs. B)if east pitches a club, two ruffs in dummy will set the suit up. Losing only one diamond trick. So east pitches a heart. You ruff. AC. club ruff. Lead the last spade. East cannot ruff or pitch a club for it leaves the same position as discussed in A and B above. So there goes another heart. Ruff it. AK of diamonds and dummy is now good except for the QD. Taking 12 tricks for the contract.