rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (06/12/84)
S: H:K965 D:J742 C:AQT65 S:QJ9865 S:T73 H:J8 H:QT42 D:KT83 D:AQ9 C:J C:982 S:AK42 H:A73 D:65 C:K743 contract:5C lead:JC whats your best line of play? ************************************************************************** Win QC. Low diamond and east wins. East must return a trump or else you have the time to ruff two of dummy's diamonds for the contract. Win TC. KH. AH. AKS pitching two hearts. A heart ruff. Another diamond. East has to win and lead a trump to prevent the threat of a crossruff for the last four tricks to go with the seven already won (two spades, two hearts, heart ruff, two clubs). The situation is: S: H: D:xx C:A6 S:QJ S:x H: H:Q D:KT D:9 C: C:9 S:xx H: D: C:K7 Cover the forced trump lead with the KC. If west pitches a diamond, overtake in dummy. Ruff a diamond and dummy is good. If west pitches a spade, duck in dummy. Ruff a spade and your hand is good.