[net.rec.bridge] TYP:R28 solution

rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (06/27/84)

S:J85		S:AK9
H:AJ4		H:2
D:8762		D:QJT5
C:QT6		C:KJ983
How do you make this hand?
Win the AK of diamonds quickly pitching two of your spades. Now a low spade
which east will probably win(it wouldnt look good to let you now win the stiff
jack). The defense is forced to play trump else you run home on a crossruff.
The Defense plays AH and another. You win on dummy carefully preserving
your six of hearts. East can afford to pitch one club. Now you draw
the last trump by playing dummy's winner. East must now pitch before you
commit yourself to overtaking or ducking.
A)east pitches a spade.
 Win in dummy. Ruff a low spade. Ruff a club. Take two pitches on the 
 spades. Lose one more club at the end. Making 4H.
B)east pitches a diamond.
 Win in dummy. Ruff a low diamond. Ruff a club. Take two pitches on the
 daimonds. Lose one more club at the end. Making 4H.
C)east pitches a second club.
 Overtake in your hand. Ruff a club. Enter your hand via a ruff. AC. Exit
 with a club claiming the rest with two good clubs and a trump. Making 4H.

An interesting squeeze variation in that east must allow you not one, but
two tricks in any suit he chooses to discard in.