[net.rec.bridge] TYP:R29 solution

rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (07/19/84)

	S:AJT73			W	N	E	S
	H:62			1NT*	2D*	dbl	P
	D:Q			P	2S	dbl	3C
	C:J9854			dbl	P	P	P
S:9852		S:KQ64	
H:AK7		H:JT94		*12-14 pts
D:AT5		D:J982		*spades and another suit
C:K62		C:Q
	S:			Lead:KH

West wins the KH and exits with the 2C.
South wins the Ace and exits with the 3D.
West wins the Ace and cashes the KC, east pitching a heart.

Who prevails on this hand? Analyze for all possible exits by west.
For your convenience:
S:9852		S:KQ64
H:A7		H:JT
D:T5		D:J98
C:6		C:
West to lead. South can only lose one more trick.
1)low heart.
Win QH,KD,AS and five clubs on crossruff
Win one club,KD,AS,two hearts, and three ruffs

Play 8C from dummy
  a)east pitches diamond.
  overtake, set up diamonds. Winning a club, 3 diamonds, AS, and 3 ruffs
  b)east pitches a heart.
  overtake, KD pitching a heart, set up hearts. Winning a club, KD, AS, 
  two hearts, and three ruffs
  c)east pitches a spade.
  Duck and ruff a spade. KD pitching a heart, ruff a diamond.
  AS. low spade and dummy is good. Winning a club, KD, 3 spades, and 3 ruffs
4)low spade.
Play 7S forcing out the QS. Ruff. you have AS,KD and five ruffs available.
One short. pitch a heart on the KD. ruff a diamond. JS forcing out the KS.
Ruff. Ruff a diamond. Draw trump. Spades are good. Taking the last 9 tricks
5)high spade.
Five trumps and two top cards are available. One more is needed.
Cover to force out the QS. Ruff. Ruff a diamond. Force out the KS. Ruff.
KD pitching a spade! ruff a diamond. Draw trump. exit with a heart to
west's stiff Ace(he must keep two spades). West is endplayed into
leading through the A7S with 85S(east holds 64S now)

You have only seven obvious tricks. Win KD pitching a heart. Ruff a diamond
Run JS ruffing when covered. Lead a diamond in this position(needing five
more tricks)
S:985		S:K64
H:A7		H:JT
D:		D:J
C:6		C:

a)West cannot ruff because then you take 3 trumps independently, AS, and a 
b)West cannot pitch a spade because you then ruff and run the TS.
Ruffing when covered. You lead your good diamond and if west ruffs, dummy
is good. So you get a low diamond trick after all. Losing only a spade at the
end(or heart). 
c)So west must pitch a heart. And now you pitch a spade. East is immediately
endplayed. A heart lead sets up declarers hand(play low and ruff AH with JC
and return with a trump). A spade lead gives declarer two spade tricks and
he will take three clubs indepently.
Declarer can handle all possible defenses and make his doubled contract.