rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (08/02/84)
E)comments from the "expert panel" C)comments from the "contestants" R)comments form yours truly, me. ********************************** Hand 3) S:5 N E S W | VUL:ALL | IMPS H:AT7 1S P 1NT* P D:KT76 2H P ? C:K9854 | *forcing NT 8 bid 2NT:10 pts 4 bid 3H:9 pts 2 bid 4H:8 pts 2 bid pass:7 pts 1 bid 3C:6 pts **************** E)2NT-Can't afford to miss the possibility of a vulnerable game at imps. E)2NT-You must take another call and you do not raise secondary suits on three card support. C)2NT-Describe your hand. A minor suit tap will destroy a 4-3 heart fit. R)Good intermediate values should swing the choice to NT. Heart leads could look embarrassing in a heart contract when your looking for spade ruffs to get your extra tricks. E)3H-Hearts should play well C)3H-no trump will play viley C)3H-invite with your bad values. Partner can explore with 3NT holding the correct values and shape and strength. C)3H-there are no tricks in no trump. R)Give partner any old normal holding like KQTxx-KQxx-AJx-x in which he'd accept a game try. Id rather be in NT given a choice. Opponents wont get any tricks either without setting up some for myself(it will be a battle for the crucial trick). 4H on the other hand doesnt have much hope. C)Pass-this is a good contract. Game is unlikely. R)A good matchpoint bid perhaps. *************************************************** Generally, you cannot afford to miss a vulnerable game at IMPS, so you stretch for it at all costs. The difference in opinion stems from how. A no trump contract was given a slight edge as the better possibility. No doubt the intermediate cards played a roll in the decision. A 4-3 fit is better only when the short trump hand can take care of the tap. In this case the shortness is in partners suit making its use minimal in a suit contract. No trump may not play well, but there are a good number of holdings that will be beneficial. And also, the defense will have a tough time coming to five tricks themselves in order to set you. A 4 heart contract that makes when 3NT doesnt is not easy to find. Matter-in-fact, its tough to make 4H contracts, period.