[net.rec.bridge] Test Your Play: J6

halle1@houxz.UUCP (J.HALLE) (08/07/84)

This problem is based on the August 4, 1984 column by Alfred Sheinwold.


    S: KQ984			2 NT	Pass	3 S	Pass
    H: 42			3 NT	Pass	4 D	Pass
    D: AQ97			5 D	Pass	6 NT	All Pass
    C: T9

	South			As south starts berating his partner
				for not bidding 7 diamonds (even though
    S: A6			south is mostly at fault), he wins the
    H: AK53			J of hearts lead and plays A of spades
    D: KJT8			and a spade, winning the king.  East
    C: AK4			shows out.  Obviously, south erred by
				not finessing the 8, which would have
				guaranteed the contract.  Can you now
				help south make his contract?  (Not
				that he deserves it.)