rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (08/25/84)
S:83 H:963 D:AKQJ9 C:Q63 S:KJ9652 S:AQT4 H: H:A74 D:87542 D:T63 C:T8 C:KJ7 S:7 H:KQJT852 D: C:A9542 Contract:5H Lead:6S Which of the four hands controls the ultimate fate of this contract? ******************************************************************* Lets first assume normal play and see what happens: 1)6S-3S-AS-7S. East must keep declarer off dummy. So east is restricted to a spade return: 2)4S-TH....... Now declarer must find a way to enter dummy, so try the obvious: 3)8H-?-9H-AH.. East can't allow this. But now is endplayed in all four suits. Hand over. Or is it? Can east do anything? Yes there is. East can play low on the first spade trick and let declarer win the 7S. Not when in with the AH in the above line, east has an exit card in a low spade. West will win and declarer has no hope to reach dummy. Hand over. Or is it? Can declarer do anything? Yes there is. Declarer can play the 8S from dummy on trick one and we're back in the first line. East must win the first spade trick. Hand over. *************************************************************************** So, the crucial play happens at trick one by the card played from dummy. Never have two so unimportant looking cards had so much effect on the outcome of a contract. Basically both east and south want to avoid winning the first spade trick. Would you have the foresight to play the 8S at trick one? I received correct solutions from: zehntel!pinot!carol houxz!halle1 zehntel!hplabs!uucp!shaprkg