[net.rec.bridge] hand 4 from bidding contest B4

rainbow@ihuxe.UUCP (08/30/84)

"E"-comments from the experts
"C"-comments from the contestants
"R"-comments from me
Hand 4:                N    E    S    W    Vul:Both
                       -    -    P(1) 1S       Imps
S:                     2D   4S   ?
D:T96                  (1)-never mind that maybe it should have been opened

5D...12 experts..5 contestants...10 points

First, let me comment on whether the hand should be opened. The contestants
were split 50-50. The experts all would have opened. I too would have 
opened. You have 2.5 quick tricks and a nice 6 card major. If you pass
there isn't any way you'll recover later and convince partner your hand is
this good.

C:5H. I'll take my chances and show my suit at the five level.
R:If life were results, you'd be the winner here. But next time you
  won't be so lucky. And this is imps, not matchpoints.

C:5D. 4S may make, so its best to bid one more in imps to avoid the big swing.
C:5D. With a known diamond fit, don't mess around with hearts. Its hard to 
  tell who can make what. But that goes for the opponents as well.
E:5D. Same arguments as above. 
R:Pretty much the consensus and clearly the best bid available.

C:6D. Partner must have good diamonds and a club card.
R:A little bit of a gamble I'd say. But not unreasonable. Partner did
  overcall vulnerable.