[net.rec.bridge] interesting bidding hand

rainbow@ihlts.UUCP (Robert) (03/06/86)

>			North
>		  S: 6
>		  H: AK762
>		  D: 9632
>		  C: J52
>			South
>		  S: AKT73
>		  H: Q43
>		  D: AKQT7
>		  C:

I haven't been keeping up with this newsgroup, so excuse me if this solution was
presented, because its pretty standard bidding around here.

 South	West	North	East
 2c[1]	Pass	2h[2]	Pass
 2s	pass	2nt[3]	pass
 3d	pass	4d	pass
 7d	pass	pass	pass

1	strong and artificial
2	positive response, 5+ card suit, two of top three honors.
3	waiting bid, nothing more to say

Assuming imps, else the final contract would be 7H.