topher@cyb-eng.UUCP (Topher Eliot) (04/10/84)
In going through the computations for income averaging, I realized that for a person who can't afford to put the full $2000 (or whatever) into their IRA every year, and who is in a position to income average, then they could attempt to optimize by shifting their IRA contributions from year to year. (I.e. I could put money in right now for either 83 or 84, or I could put the $$ in a tax-free mutual fund and save it for 85). However, the calculations involved in such an optimization proved to be too taxing (har, har) for my poor little brain. Perhaps I need TKSolver!? Has anyone else out there given this serious consideration? Mail responses to me and I will post a summary. Cheers, Topher Eliot Cyb Systems, Austin, TX ihnp4!ut-sally!cyb-eng!topher tickticktickticktick . . . . .---> April 15th!