mlm@cmu-cs-cad.ARPA (Michael Mauldin) (03/01/85)
Let's get it right, people! PROGRESSIVE an increasing percentage (e.g. Federal income tax). FIXED a fixed percentage (e.g. Penn. income tax, state sales tax). REGRESSIVE a decreasing percentage (e.g. US FICA over 38k). FLAT each person a fixed amount (e.g. Pgh Occ. tax $10 per person). The most popular is NOT a flat tax, but rather a fixed tax. ps: My vote is for fixed tax on citizens with explicit government subsidies for supporting low income people, rewarding people who install energy efficient heaters, etc. No corporate taxes (they just charge us, the customers, higher prices to pay for them anyway). Michael L. Mauldin (Fuzzy) Department of Computer Science Mauldin@CMU-CS-CAD.ARPA Carnegie-Mellon University (412) 578-3065 Pittsburgh, PA 15213