ken@hrpd3.UUCP (K.COCHRAN) (05/03/85)
----------------------------- QUESTIONS ----------------------------------- I read today that the IRS is going to permit a tax deduction for aborted babies/fetuses that survive after the abortion for a certain amount of time. I would be interested to hear people's views of this allowed deduction. Is it inconsistent to say that the fetus/baby is not 'human' and thus can be aborted, but if it turns out to live, despite an operation designed to kill it, that it can be immediately considered a dependant child and its parents get a tax bonus. ? If the fetus/baby lives for a few hours and is considered a child, can the doctors or parents face criminal proceedings for performing an operation that is definitely not in the interest of that child. ? ------------ MY PERSONAL VIEWPOINT ----------------------------------- I am 'pro-life', because I believe that it is not JUST the woman's body and life that she (and her partner ?) affect in deciding to abort the baby, but the baby's too. Until we know for certain that a fetus/baby at a given stage is not human, we must err on the side of declaring it human rather than later discovering that we have been killing children in the millions. It would appear that the IRS isn't sure. -------------- Ken Cochran vax135!hrpd3!ken ----------------------------