[net.micro.atari] FORTH query

jhv (11/30/82)

I am a hardware/software hacker.  I brought up figFORTH on my S-100
Z-80 based system a couple of years ago, and last month I bought
valFORTH (a figFORTH derivative) for my ATARI 400.

I have found the FORTH system (combination interpreter, compiler,
editor, disk manager, etc.) useful for my style of hacking.  I like
the built-in number base conversion;  I like the simple access to
I/O ports and absolute memory locations;  I like writing I/O drivers
with a combination of high level and low level definitions when I am
debugging hardware, software and driver logic simultaneously; and
I am impressed with the assemblers and interpreters which can be
defined in FORTH in a few screens each.

I find the figFORTH editor awkward, but other FORTH editors are
available which are easier to use.  In summary, I find FORTH a useful
tool for some of my hacking, but I also find assembly language, BASIC,
PILOT, C, etc. appropriate for other applications.

	James Van Ornum
	BTL Freehold