[net.micro.atari] Atari 850 programming query

johnm@houxd.UUCP (08/19/83)

I would like to write a modem program in assembler (so I can put it
in a PROM) and I am having difficulty translating the BASIC code
in the 850 Operator's Manual into assembly.  Does anyone have a good
reference?  A scrap or two of code?  Any help appreciated.

	Thanks in advance,
	John Montgomery

rb@houxn.UUCP (08/22/83)

Atari has a new 850 manual called "850 Technical User Notes" available
for the proce of a phone call to there toll freee #. (In any of there lit-
erature).  Tell them you purchased it recently (they don't ask for receipt
or anything over the phone) and be prepared to give them your 850 serial
number. Delivery via last class mail took about 6 weeks for mine.

Included are schematics, and some excellent programming examples.

	Rob Botwin
	ATTIS (201) 949-2039