[net.micro.atari] 5200 games vs home computer games

lshum@utzoo.UUCP (Ken Newman) (03/07/84)

I have heard rumors, and seen pictures that indicate that the versions
of the games available for the 5200 and the 400/800 are not quite the same.
For example, it would seem that the version of Centipede for the 400/800
is slightly inferior to that of the 5200.  I have not actually seen this
in person, so is there anyone out there who has, who would care to comment?
I thought that the 5200 was just a revamped 400, and thus should not do
any better than the 400.  Is this just a case of old software (the 400 version
came out several years ago) not being as good as the new 5200 software?
Also, will the new 5200 games always be different from the 400/800 games?
(seems like a lot of duplication of effort).

Jerry Zarycky