[net.micro.atari] Indus disk drive

lshum@utzoo.UUCP (Jerry Zarycky) (03/25/84)

I am looking for the cheapest mail-order price on an Indus GT disk drive
which I could order for my Atari 800XL.  I would like for people
to reply by private mail if they wish, but I feel that this is of general
interest to the net.  I realize that others have posted prices in the past,
but as this is a new product, the prices may have fallen further.
Thanks for all replies,

Jerry Zarycky

kek@mgweed.UUCP (Kit Kimes) (04/03/84)

A company called Compucat carries the Indus GT drive for $325.60.  They
advertise that they sell hardware and software for cost + 10%. There is
a 5% shipping charge for all orders.  Their address is:
		24500 Glenwood Highway
		Los Gatos, Ca. 95030
		(408) 353-1836
The phone is used for computer bulletin board from 6 PM to 9 AM daily and
all day Sat and Sun.  They have an on-line catalog and public domain
I haven't ordered anything from them and don't know how service would be
but they were very pleasant on the phone.
					Kit Kimes
					AT&T Consumer Products
					Montgomery Works
					Aurora, Il. 60507