[net.micro.atari] macro.dos from Compute

david1@aluxe.UUCP (nelson) (07/03/84)

I typed in the Macro.dos program from the June issue of  Compute.
How do I run it?  I put it into a file called macro.dos.  I tried
a run:"macro.dos".  The disk drive runs  awhile  and  I  get  the
ready  prompt  but  the  program doesn't do anything.  I have the
basic cartridge in while doing this.  The Atari dos 2.0  is  also

Any help will be appreciated.  Also while I'm on the subject.   I
bought  a  1050 disk drive and it came with dos 2.0.  I read that
Atari is supposed to give dos 3.0 to people that bought the 1050.
I called Atari a couple of weeks ago and they confirmed this, but
said they haven't yet started  to  ship  it.   Has  anyone  heard
anything different?

                                         Rick Nelson
                                         AT&T Bell Labs
                                         Reading, Pa.