[net.micro.atari] 68000 based Atari system

hitchens@ut-sally.UUCP (Ron Hitchens) (11/15/84)

[Don't bug me man]

   From a newsletter called The Software Advisor which appeared in my (real)
mailbox, in the News and Gossip column:

	  "And finally, what about an Atari-Mac?  If Jack Tramiel
	has his way his new computer will have aspects of both.
	The new computer is said to be designed around the 68000
	chip (same as the Mac) and will have 3 1/2 inch drives.  It
	will come with a minimum of 128K and a built in, eight-
	channel sound synthesizer system.  It will also run an icon
	based operating system like the Mac.  The ringer is that
	its price is supposed to be (ready for this) $300!"

  I suppose compatibility would be too much to hope for.  Let's at least
hope they use Sony format drives so it will be possible for data interchange.
No mention of expected announcement date.