[net.micro.atari] Need help with Flight Simulator II disk write errors...

tlz@druxu.UUCP (ZrustTL) (06/11/85)

I'm having problems doing a library save (ctrl-Z) while inthe FS2
edit mode.
The disk "sounds" like it is formatting the normal way, but when the
write starts, horrible noises come from the TV and the disk read/write
error message appears.  Here is everything I know:

1.  I have a 130XE and Percom AT88 disk drives (2) with the "doubler"

2.  The blank disk I am saving to is not write protected.

3.  I've tried several disks.

4.  I've booted with and without the option key held down.

5.  The system has not exhibited disk access problems with any
    other software.

If you've have good/bad experences with ctrl-z regardless of your system
configuration, please send me mail.

druxu!tlz                                        _
Terry L. Zrust                                  (_)  /~\
A.T.&T. Information Systems               /~\       /   \/\
11900 North Pecos Street                 /   \ /\  / |   \ \
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