[net.micro.atari] ST520 Pinouts...

petel@tekig.UUCP (Pete Lancashire) (07/24/85)

Someone was asking for connector pinouts, these are from the manual that
comes with the system, not from the developers kit.

NOTE:for all round connectors; facing connector, index up, going

POWER:Note, the pins go 7,3,5,2,4,1,6

1:+5VDC		2:NC		3:GROUND
4:+12VDC	5:-12VDC	6:+5VDC		7:GROUND

MIDI OUT:Note, the pins go 1,4,2,5,3

1:THRU Transmit Data	2:Shield Ground		3:THRU loop return
4:OUT Transmit Data	5:OUT Loop Return

MIDI IN:Note, the pins go 1,4,2,5,3

1:NC  2:NC  3:NC  4:IN Receive Data  5:IN Loop Return

MONITOR:Pins    4   3   2   1
                8   7   6   5
               12  11  10   9

 1:Audio Out		 2:Reserved	 3:General Purpose Output
 4:Monochrome Output	 5:Audio In	 6:Green
 7:Red			 8:Ground	 9:Horiz. Sync
10:Blue			11:Monochrome	12:Vertical Sync

PRINTER:  13 12 11 ------- 3  2  1
           25  24  -------  15 14

1:Strobe  2:D0  3:D1  4:D2 5:D3  6:D4  7:D5  8:D6
9:D7  11:BUSY 18-25:GROUND

MODEM: 1:FG  2:TD 3:RD 4:RTS 5:CTS 7:SG 8:DCD 20:DTR 22:RI

FLOPPY DISK:pins 10,8,6,4,2,1,3,5,7,9,11 with 3 centre pins 13  12
 1:Read Data		 2:Side 0 Select   3:Logic Ground
 4:Index Pulse		 5:Drive 0 Select  6:Drive 1 Select
 7:Logic ground	         8:Motor On	   9:Direction In
10:Step		        11:Write Data	   12:Write Gate
13:Track 00		14:Write Pulse

HARD DISK (DMA PORT):pins 10 ---------- 1
			   19 ------- 11
1:D0  2:D1  3:D2  4:D3  5:D4  6:D5  7:D6  8:D7
9:Chip Select  10:Int Request  11:GROUND  12:Reset 13:GROUND
14:Acknowledge 15:GROUND 16:A1 17:GROUND  18:Read/Write  19:Data Request

CARTRIDGE:pins  1,3,5,---------,35,37,39

  1:+5VDC  2:+5VDC  3:D14  4:D15  5:D12  6:D13  7:D10  8:D11  9:D8  10:D9
  11:D6   12:D7    13:D4  14:D5  15:D2  16:D3  17:D0  18:D1  19:A13 20:A15
  21:A8   22:A14   23:A7  24:A9  25:A6  26:A10 27:A5  28:A12 29:A11 30:A4
  31:ROM Sel 3     32:A3         33:ROM Sel 4         34:A2         35:UDS
  36:A1            37:LDS        38:GND               39:GND        40:GND

MOUSE/JOYSTICK   1 2 3 4 5
		  6 7 8 9

1:Up/XB             2:Down/XA   3: Left/YA   4:Right/YB   5:NC
6:Fire/Left Button  7:+5VDC     8: GROUND    9:Joy1/Right Button

MOUSE/JOYSTICK   1 2 3 4 5
		  6 7 8 9

1:Up                2:Down      3:Left       4:Right      5:Reserved
6:Fire Button       7:+5VDC     8:GROUND     9: NC

Have fun....

Pete Lancashire   ...!tektronix!tekig!petel (503) 627-2566