[net.micro.atari] ST -- ? many drives

mugc@utecfa.UUCP (ModemUserGroupChairman) (08/15/85)

	I am thinking of getting a second 31/2 inch floppy disk for
my ST. There are a couple of questions I would like to ask first.

1.  From within GEM, I tried installing more disk drives (by selecting
    the Install item from one of the menus). I found that disk C is
    reserved for the cartridge slot -- this I take is for the
    ROM disk. I tried installing more disks, but this is as far as I got.
    Now, I remember reading somewhere that the ST's hardware will
    handle up to 4 floppies, so does this mean that they have changed
    the total number to 2? Does this mean that the hard disk cannot be
    used with 2 floppies already installed? I would appreciate it if
    someone armed with the official documentation (I don't have any)
    or the like would tell me the score.

2.  Has anybody succeeded in getting a 51/4 inch drive hooked up to
    their ST? I might consider that alternative too.

			Anees Munshi
		voice   (416) 241-2166