[net.micro.atari] Notes from the Developer's Package Underground.

brownc@utah-cs.UUCP (Eric C. Brown) (09/08/85)

This is posted for a friend of mine who has an ST and the developer's package;
I have neither and am doing this as a public (dis)service.

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I am sending a portion of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Bios.  This
is a confidential document that Atari has sent to all of the developers.
However since most of the teminal escape functions have alread been
figured out this will clear up any problems.  Also I see no reason
for this to be confidential.

      These are the escape  functions  interpreted  by  the  BIOS'
      conout()  function.   For the most part they emulate a VT-52
      terminal [that's the easy one to do].  There are  extensions
      to  hack screen colors, control screen wrap, and a few other
      simple functions.
      ESC A
      Cursor Up
           This sequence moves the cursor up  one  line.   If  the
           cursor  is  already on the top line of the screen, this
           sequence has no effect.
      ESC B
      Cursor Down
           This moves the cursor down one line.  If the cursor  is
           already  on  the  last  line of the screen, this escape
           sequence has no effect.
      ESC C
      Cursor Forward
           This moves the cursor one position to  the  right.   If
           this  function  would  move  the cursor off the screen,
           this sequence has no effect.
      ESC D
      Cursor Backward
           This move the cursor one position to the left.  This is
           a  non-  destructive  move  because  the character over
           which the cursor now rests is not replaced by a  blank.
           If  the  cursor  is  already  in  column O, this escape
           sequence has no effect.
      ESC E
      Clear Screen (and Home Cursor)
           This moves the cursor to  column  O,  row  I  (the  top
           left-hand corner of the screen), and clears all charac-
           ters from the screen.
      ESC H
      Home Cursor
           This move the cursor to column O, row O.  The screen is
           NOT cleared.
      ESC I
      Reverse Index
           Moves the cursor to the same horizontal position on the
           preceding  lines.   If the cursor is on the top line, a
           scroll down is performed.
      ESC J
      Erase to End of Page
           Erases all the information from cursor (including  cur-
           sor position) to the end of the page.
      ESC K
      Clear to End of Line
           This sequence clears the line from the  current  cursor
           position to the end of the line.
      ESC L
      Insert Line
           Inserts a new blank line by moving the line that cursor
           is  on,  end all following lines, down one line.  Then,
           the cursor is moved to the beginning of the  new  blank
      ESC M
      Delete Line
           Deletes the contents of the line that the cursor is on,
           places  the  cursor at the beginning of the line, moves
           all the following lines up one line, and adds  a  blank
           line at the bottom.
      ESC Y
      Position Cursor
           The two characters that follow the "Y" specify the  row
           and  column  to  which  the cursor is to be moved.  The
           first character specifies the row, the second specifies
           the colum.  Rows and columns number from 1 up.
      ESC b
      Set Foreground Color
           The Foreground Color is the color in which the  charac-
           ter is displayed.
           Escape-b must be followed by a color selection  charac-
           ter.  Only the four least significant bits of the color
           character are used:
           Bit Pattern of Control Byte:
                  7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0
               |     |     |     |     |                       |
               |  X  |  X  |  X  |  X  |    color index        |
               |     |     |     |     |                       |
               (X = "don't care")
      ESC c
      Set Background Color
           This function selects Background Color,  the  color  of
           the cell that contains the characters.
           Escape-c must be followed by a color selection  charac-
           ter.  Only the four least significant bits of the color
           character are used.  (See diagram for ESC-b function)
      ESC d
      Erase Beginning of Display
           This sequence erases from beginning of the  display  to
           the  cursor  position.   The  cursor position is erased
      ESC e
      Enable Cursor
           This sequence causes the cursor to be  invisible.   The
           cursor  may  still be moved about on the display, using
           escape sequence defined in this appendix.
      ESC f
      Disable Cursor
           This sequence causes the cursor to be  invisible.   The
           cursor  may  still be moved about on the display, using
           escape sequences defined in this appendix.
      ESC j
      Save Cursor Position
           This sequence preserves the  current  cursor  position.
           You  can  restore  the  cursor  to the previously saved
           position with ESC-k.
      ESC k
      Restore Cursor Position
           This sequence restores the cursor to a previously saved
           position.  If you use this sequence without having pre-
           viously saved the cursor position, then the  cursor  is
           moved to the home position, the top left-hand corner of
           the screen.
      ESC l
      Erase Entire Line
           This sequence erases an entire line and moves the  cur-
           sor to the leftmost column.
      ESC o
      Erase Beginning of Line
           Erases from the beginning of the line to the cursor and
           includes the cursor position.
      ESC p
      Enter Reverse Video Mode
           Enters the reverse video mode so  that  characters  are
           displayed  as  background  color  characters on a fore-
           ground colored cell.
      ESC q
      Exit Reverse Video Mode
           Exits the reverse video mode.
      ESC v
      Wrap at End of Line
           This sequence causes the first character past the  last
           displayable  position  on  a  line  to be automatically
           placed in the first  character  position  on  the  next
           line.  The page scrolls up if necessary.
      ESC w
      Discard at End of Line
           Following invocation of this sequence, after  the  last
           displayable  character  on a line has been reached, the
           characters overprint.  Therefore, only the last charac-
           ter received is displayed in the last column position.

I realy recommend that anyone interested in working on the ST become
a registered developer.  The software developers package costs $300.
It includes 8 diskettes:  TOS, Logo, Resource editor, C compiler &
assembler, linker, Mince, Micro Emacs, and a utilities disk.  You also
get over 2000 pages of documentation.  There is also a number you can
call and get information (It really works too).

TOS and Logo are same ones that come when you by the system.

The resource editor disk has a couple of sample resources.  There seems
to be several problems with the resource editor.  The main one, is it
displays things differently than a program does.  Alerts in the editor
do not look anything line they do in a progam.  This is not really a
problem since alerts are really a "black box".  The major problem is
with menus and dialogs.  Both of them are squished vertically.  You
need to resize every object so that it looks right.  This is something
of a pain since you have to leave the resource editor and execute your
application to see if they look right.

The Compiler disk containes the 3 Pass Digital Research Compliler and
their Assembler.  The compiler puts out assembler code so it really takes
4 passed to complile a program.  The documentation for the compiler
is the standard CP/M-68K documentation.  This can cause some really
problems since the ST is not really running CP/M-68K but GEM-DOS.
However the major problem is with the libraries.  All of the routines
in the libraries appear to be there, but they do not all seem to work.
sprintf is there, but when you link it in you get several undefined
symbols from the linker.  The program still works though.  I have not
tried printf or fprintf.  Open, close, read, write, malloc, and free
are there but they do not seem to work at all.  However Atari provided
a include file "osbind.h" that provides macros called Fopen, Fclose,
Fread, Malloc, and Mfree that do work but have a slightly different
set of parameters.  There are 10 .h files included on the complier
disk.  You almost have to read each one to figure out which ones you
need to include.  Another problem, if you only have a single disk
drive system.  You run out of room on your compiler disk if your
file is larger than about 15K.

The linker disk has five separate libraries that you need to include
for most application.  Using the linker is a lot easier than using
the compiler.

The utilities disk contains:
	command.prg				the command line interpeter
	dump.prg				a hex dumper
	find.prg				similar the the MSDOS find
	high.prg				puts the ST into medium res
	low.prg					puts the ST into low res
	kermit.prg				A poor but usable version of kermit
	nm68.prg				A symbol table dumper
	sid.prg					A debuger
	size68.prg				A segment size utility

There is a way to make the ST come up into the command line mode
on boot.  You create a folder called "auto" on your boot disk.
Then the ST will execute any program with a .prg extenction that
is in that folder.  (I have not tried this.)


	The roms will not be available until December.

	Hard disks from Atari will not be available until december.

	A 512K internal expansion board for $300 will be available
		from a third party vendor in the next few months.

	Atari is going to try and get royalties from Commodor for
		each Amiga that they sell.


	Has anyone written a program that will allow transfer of binary
	files for the ST over the net?

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