[net.micro.atari] Apple desktop and GEM

gyuri@cvl.UUCP (Gyorgy Fekete) (10/25/85)

Two things:(1) I keep reading that GEM from DRI is a "poor port of some of the
features of the MAC desktop.." ,and "..Apple should sue them, because GEM is
crap..", and so on. Please excuse my ignorance, but what is it about the MAC
desktop that makes it so superior (according to some posters to this group)
to DRI GEM? I have used GEM quite a lot since I got my 520ST, and I admit,
there is room for improvement here and there. I played a little with the MAC,
but its "superiority" was not at all obvious. 
Would someone please explain what I am missing?

I did notice, that when an application on the MAC exits, you have to wait
what seems like a long time to get the desktop back.

The other thing:(2)
Too bad more people in the corporate world don't think
like Scott Preece (preece@ccvaxa.UUCP)

From: preece@ccvaxa.UUCP:
> ... One would think that Apple's best shot at penetrating
> the business market might have been to get DRI to license the exact
> Mac interface.  Then in six months, with a significant number of
> PCs running GEM, the Apple marketing people could have come to
> corporate accounts saying "Look, your people already know how to use
> our interface.  Why not slip our 68000 behind it -- smaller footprint,
> higher resolution screen, and a cheap network for department-wide
> laser sharing."

Apple could have its cake (or pie?) and eat it too.
Again, what Apple lacks in brains they attempt to make up with agression.
PS:The usual disclaimers about employers, and such apply here too.
   (I know of at least one guy who lost his login privileges at Maryland
    for flaming at DEC. Of course, he was really working for TRW, just
    happened to postnews from his old login name, courtesy umcp-cs...)
Gyorgy Fekete --- University of MD, Computer Vision Lab, (301) 454-4526


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