[net.micro.atari] More Memory Wanted for Large Arrays

franco@iuvax.UUCP (12/10/85)

I plan to expand my 520ST to 1meg according to the instructions given
by gert@su-pescadero and posted on the net by someone else.  Is there
anything I should know that is not given in the instructions?  Has
reliability been affected by such modifications?  How many people have
made these modifications?

John Franco - franco.indiana@csnet-relay

bammi@cwruecmp.UUCP (Jwahar R. Bammi) (12/13/85)

> I plan to expand my 520ST to 1meg according to the instructions given
> by gert@su-pescadero and posted on the net by someone else.  Is there
> anything I should know that is not given in the instructions?  Has
> reliability been affected by such modifications?  How many people have
> made these modifications?
> Thanks
> John Franco - franco.indiana@csnet-relay

I just followed the instructions step by step and had no problem. I
have had this expansion in my ST for over three months, and have'nt
had any problem. The San Leandro Computer club is selling memory
expansion plug in boards (see this months S/T applications journal)
in case you don't feel like piggy backing the chips. There are also
some people who will perform the expansion for you for the cost of
parts, labor and postage, and guarantee it for 30 days. On of them i
seem to recall is the ST users group in florida.

					Jwahar R. Bammi
			       Usenet:  .....!decvax!cwruecmp!bammi
			        CSnet:  bammi@case
				 Arpa:  bammi%case@csnet-relay
			   CompuServe:  71515,155