[net.micro.atari] Atari changes on CompuServe

kek@mgweed.UUCP (Kit Kimes) (12/18/85)

According to the January 1985 issue of ANTIC, there have been some 
changes made on CompuServe.  SIG*Atari is now split into three special
interest groups--plus the ANTIC ONLINE electronic magazine.  There is
a SIG for 8-bit Atari computer owners, a 16-bit SIG for Atari ST users
and a software developers forum.  Each SIG has as much online space as
the original SIG*Atari.

Half of the developers forum will be open to the public and will be a
up-to-the minute source of information on new products.  The other half
will be reserved for professional software developers, authors and
retailers.  A special section within the developers forum will provide
technical support for the professional software tools published by the
ANTIC Catalog.  

The ANTIC ONLINE section has been enhanced and features the Professional
GEM Helpline with a twice-monthly column for Atari ST developers by
Tim Oren, who designed and implemented the GEM Resource Construction
Set as well as other parts of the GEM Programmer's Toolkit.  He is a
former member of the GEM programming team at Digital Research, Inc.

Oren's ANTIC ONLINE column will initially be geared to people who have
both a knowledge of the C programming language and a copy of Atari's
ST Programmers Toolkit with documentation.  "Every two weeks, Professional
GEM Helpline demonstrates amazing new tricks while guiding ST 
developers past pitfalls and strange bugs that lurk for the unwary."
(that's a quote directly from ANTIC).

They also mentioned that they will no longer be uploading ANTIC 
ONLINE or SIG*Atari onto the Delphi service, so it looks like
CompuServe is still the best place for serious Atari owners and
developers to have a subscription.
					Kit Kimes
					AT&T Information Systems
					Montgomery Works
					Montgomery, Il. 60538-0305
"Power Without the Price"