[net.micro.atari] Awards for the ST!

jons@islenet.UUCP (Jonathan Spangler) (12/20/85)

Editorial, Infoworld Dec. 2 1985
...But opening new areas of computing or releasing floodgates of demand are not
the only things that make a winner. Value, always an important consideration in 
the high-priced, high-tech world of microcomputers, represents the major 
criterion for two of our awards this year. Our Hardware Value of the Year goes 
to the Atari 520ST, a product whose makers pride themselves on providing quality
for a low price. Indeed, what last year was available only on machines costing 
$2,500 and up can now be had for less than $1,000. The power of a 68000 
microprocessor, the ease of an icon-based graphic user interface, and the 
ability to do serious work is available for the cost of last year's toy.
Atari 520ST, an amazine machine for the money.

Need I say more?

Jonathan Spangler
"Put the ST in your ChriSTmas!"
Jonathan Spangler
"Put the ST in your ChriSTmas!"