[net.micro.atari] Looking for Memory Boards for ST

thompson@apr.UUCP (The Software Warrior) (01/15/86)

A while back there was some discussion about commercial alternatives
to the 1 Meg piggy back upgrade. There were a couple of boards that were
mentioned as being in beta test or going to be available "REAL SOON
NOW". Can anybody point me to some of these boards ? Someone mentioned
that one board required no soldering. Any info would be appreciated.


|  In Real Life       : Edward D. Thompson      |  Just Visiting          |
|  UUCP Address       : ..cbosgd!apr!thompson   |  This Planet            |
|  Compuserve Address : 75136,2024              +-------------------------+
|  Postal Address     : 2715 Tuller Parkway Drive, Dublin, Ohio 43017     |
|  Phone              : (614) 766-6901                                    |
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