[net.micro.atari] Deep Blue C, and "Action" compiler

info-atari@ucbvax.UUCP (01/21/86)

<<	... Action! compiler/editor, which gives you a much
<<faster edit/compile/try it/edit.... cycle. The language is
<<close enough to C that it is easy to translate to/from.
<I bet you I have a C program that will take you more time to translate to
<Action than writing it from scratch! (even if you already know what the
<program is designed to compute).

I'll concede your point. My wording was careless. But consider:
(1) Deep Blue C is not at all a complete implementation. So your challenge
programs may not compile with it anyway.
(2) I have readily translated C utilities to "Action", taken e.g. from
/usr/src (blush).

	Bruce Langdon  L-472                langdon%lll-lcc@lll-crg.ARPA
	Physics Department                  "langdon#bruce%d"@lll-mfe.ARPA
	Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory       
	Livermore, CA 94550                 (415) 422-5444
UUCP: ..{gymble,ihnp4,seismo}!lll-crg!lll-lcc!langdon