[net.micro.atari] AtariSoft games...

mykes@3comvax.UUCP (Mike Schwartz) (01/22/86)

An interesting point was brought up in net.games.video recently.  Apparently,
some people aren't aware that when Tramiel bought the Atari Home Computer
company, he did NOT also get the Coin-op division (which was profitable).
Anyway, there was a third division called AtariSoft, which developed games
for ALL home computers.  Did Tramiel get AtariSoft, too?  If he did,
does that mean that we can all expect to see the 520 ST get games like
Defender, Robotron, and Pac Man (while the Amiga doesn't, presumably)?

As an aside, Atari was once a $2 Billion company.  When Tramiel bought it,
he put little money down, assumed a large amount of debt (which a few
people I know didn't get paid) - al for $75 Million... what a downfall.
On the other hand, Commodore lost $318 Million last year.

ed@gargoyle.UUCP (Ed Friedman) (01/23/86)

Yes, Tramiel's group is in charge of the AtariSoft division now.  However,
there will probably be some delay before you see your favorite Atari games
converted to the 520ST, since according to Richard Frick, Atari has nobody
in their organization right now who is able to program on the 520ST.

                                               Ed Friedman

P.S.  I would appreciate hearing from any of you developers who feel they have
'mastered' programming on the 520ST.

turner@imagen.UUCP (D'arc Angel) (01/26/86)

> converted to the 520ST, since according to Richard Frick, Atari has nobody
> in their organization right now who is able to program on the 520ST.
>                                                Ed Friedman

are you mad ? is richard ? all their development is done on the ST
and if the bouncing ball demo isn't programming on the ST then i
don't know what is!!!!!
			god bless Lily St. Cyr
			 -Rocky Horror Picture Show

Name:	James Turner
Mail:	Imagen Corp. 2650 San Tomas Expressway, P.O. Box 58101
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