[net.micro.atari] 1040st availability, Atari Dealer

jhs@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA (02/12/86)

I just asked Applied Computer Associates (in Gaithersburg, MD, a Wash. DC
suburb) about the 1040ST and they also said "middle of next month".

Incidentally, they are a very serious Atari dealer, with lots of software and
accessories for both the ST machines and the XLs.  They can be reached

	PHONE:  (800)-4-ATARIS (428-2747)
		(301) 948-0256

	MAIL:   Applied Computer Associates
		16220 Frederick Road
		Gaithersburg, MD 20877

In particular, they have some of the harder-to-find Atari books in stock.

						-John Sangster
						jhs at mitre-bedford.arpa