[net.micro.atari] TDI MODULA-2 BUGS AND GRIPES.



There are a number of bugs in the InOut module for TDI's Modula-2
compiler. I saw recently on info-atari that someone was having touble
reading integers from a disk file. Here's why:

    Procedure Read does not convert CR-LF pairs to a single EOL
    character, but returns both characters individually.

    Procedure ReadString does not stop reading when it finds a
    trailing space, but goes up to the next control character.
    Since ReadCard and ReadInt use ReadString, if you try to read
    several integers or cardinals from a single line, you will get
    a runtime error (#9) because a string with embedded blanks is
    not valid for conversion to those types.

    Due to the bug in Read described above, ReadString will find a
    null string at the end of every line, sandwiched between the CR
    and LF.

    Procedure Read sets the Done flag to FALSE one character too
    soon. Upon returning from Read after reading the last character
    in a file, I find that Done = FALSE. That should be so only
    after a Read call made AFTER the last character has been input.
    Done is a signal that Read HAS failed, not that it WILL fail.

    Variable termCH is always set to 0C after a call to ReadString,
    ReadCard, or ReadInt. While it is true that 0C is used
    internally by TDI Modula-2 to terminate strings, termCH is
    supposed to be the character on the EXTERNAL medium that caused
    the procedure to stop reading, e.g., a space, a control
    character, or EOL.

    Procedure Write, when called with EOL as the argument, just
    writes the one character. Therefore, Write(EOL) is not
    equivalent to WriteLn, which writes CR-LF.

The following, while not exactly bugs, I consider to be annoying

    Although the OpenInput and OpenOutput procedures take a string
    argument called defext, it is ignored. I think that the
    argument is allowed only for compatibility with other
    implementations of Modula-2, but the manual doesn't say that.

    The screen is not placed in some standard state when a Modula-2
    program starts. Therefore, where the first output appears
    depends upon where a previous program left off, which might be
    anywhere. I would like to have the screen cleared and the
    cursor homed automatically on start-up. There seems to be no
    simple way to do this myself without using VDI.

    A null string "" is allowed as an argument to a procedure that
    has a VAR ARRAY OF CHAR formal parameter, as is a string with
    multiple characters. A one-character string constant is not,
    being considered as type CHAR. Apparently this is due to the
    fact that open array parameters must be declared VAR, that type
    CHAR is not compatible with ARRAY OF CHAR but only assignment
    compatible, and that the types of arguments given for VAR
    parameters must be compatible with the type of the formal.
    Whew! Isn't this taking strict typing too far?

I called the TDI offices in Dallas about the bugs, and will be sending
them documentation sometime this week. I was told that it will probably
be a couple of months before fixes are sent out, partly because all
development work is done in England, partly because a new release of
Modula-2 is planned for then anyway.

To tide me over until then, I am going to write a new implementation
module for for InOut. I will gladly share it with anyone who wants it,
but I would like to make it as "standard" as possible. There are a few
details of the implementation that Wirth does not make clear in
"Programming in Modula-2" (second edition).

    Under what circumstances should ReadString return a null
    string? From Wirth's description, it seems that it returns a
    null string at the end of every line that has more than one
    trailing blank. That would be a  nuisance if you're trying to
    read a text file word by word.

    Shouldn't leading tabs be skipped by ReadString as well as
    leading blanks?

    What provision is to be made for signalling end-of-file for
    terminal input? A program that tests the Done flag should be
    able to read from a terminal as well as from a disk file.

    Assuming that ReadCard and ReadInt use ReadString, what should
    they do if they read a null string: return zero, cause a
    run-time error, or keep reading (with a prompt for terminal

Let's have some discussion about this. After all, programs using InOut
are supposed to be portable.

Stephen Tether
MIT Physics Dept. (UA1 group)